Week beginning 31 August

Hello everyone,

Friday night’s Nordic Walk turned out to be so beautiful with an amazing sunset as we drove home from White Coppice. We explored higher up into the woodlands above Brinscall where there are more pine trees. We even saw deer this week!

No Zoom classes this week 
There are no Zoom classes week beginning 31 August as my daughter is returning to school and we need to get a few things sorted out.

Reminder- Saturday Morning Nordic Walking the  time has changed to 10am
We have merged the 2 Saturday morning groups back into 1 group at 10am. 

 Gymcatch for outdoor classes and social distancing
Because of the government regulations a booking system is in place for face to face classes as we can no longer do ‘paying at the door’ and we need to have a way to trace everyone with contact details. The  booking system can be found on https://gymcatch.com/  -go to this web-site and click the red ‘book’ button on the top right hand side. Search for Do Fitness. Nordic Walkers please bring your own poles (let me know if you need to borrow disinfected ones). All outdoor classes are following guidelines on social distancing.

Thank you for the Donations for Zoom classes and using YouTube Videos
Thank you so much for the donations people have made for doing Zoom classes and using the YouTube videos – it helps to pay for the Zoom  and Zumba subscriptions, expensive broadband, music license and insurances. https://dofitness.org/timetable-2

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group Please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949

The Do Fitness YouTube Channel 
Don’t forget there are plenty of videos on our channel for you to use! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Timetable from Monday 31August
Monday 31  August

9.30am Fresh Air Fit an outdoor circuits class – meet Folly Café carpark  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking – meet Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  

Tuesday  1 September
11.30am Nordic Walking Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  

Wednesday 2 September
2.45pm  Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley  https://gymcatch.com/         
4pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley  https://gymcatch.com/            

Thursday 3 September
2.30pm Fresh Air Fit (starter class) outdoors meet Folly Café carpark Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  
4pm Nordic Walking Wellness (gentle)  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking Worden     https://gymcatch.com/  
Friday 4 September
6.30pm Nordic Walking Adventure White Coppice https://gymcatch.com/
Saturday 5 September
10am Nordic Walking  https://gymcatch.com/

Love to you all.

Week beginning 24 August

Hello everyone,

As I was walking past The Folly Cafe on Worden Park last week I saw 4 of my wonderful Zumba class members having coffee. They had  all met through our Zumba class and it reminded me that our classes aren’t only about exercise but about the very important social contact that Covid took away from us. I am hoping to get going again at the Methodist Church Hall fairly soon on Mondays and Wednesdays. I am  just waiting on a response from the Church Council. Unfortunately Prospect House is not available to us for the time being. The weather forecast is against us for outdoor Zumba and Pilates next week so I have scheduled them on Zoom. 

Saturday Morning Nordic Walking time change
We have merged the 2 Saturday morning groups back into 1 group at 10am. Gymcatch for outdoor classes and social distancing
Because of the government regulations a booking system is in place for face to face classes as we can no longer do ‘paying at the door’ and we need to have a way to trace everyone with contact details. The  booking system can be found on https://gymcatch.com/  -go to this web-site and click the red ‘book’ button on the top right hand side. Search for Do Fitness. If you are going to use one of your pre-paid tickets from you 12 for 10 book of tickets that you bought before lockdown  use the code TICKETBOOK when asked for payment. Nordic Walkers please bring your own poles (let me know if you need to borrow some) and Pilates bring their own mat. All outdoor classes are following guidelines on social distancing You can now get a 12 for 10 offer on Gymcatch.com which is great for my regular Nordic Walkers.

Thank you for the Donations for Zoom classes and using YouTube Videos

Thank you so much for the donations people have made for doing Zoom classes and using the YouTube videos – it helps to pay for the Zoom  and Zumba subscriptions, expensive broadband, music license and insurances. https://dofitness.org/timetable-2

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group Please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  The Do Fitness YouTube Channel 
Don’t forget there are plenty of videos on our channel for you to use! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Timetable from Monday 24 August
Monday 24 August

9.30am Fresh Air Fit an outdoor circuits class – meet Folly Café carpark  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking – meet Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  

Tuesday 25 August
11.30am Nordic Walking Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  

Wednesday 26 August
9.30am Zumba Zoom in your Living Room  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84574173181?pwd=Z0pKUXpSbWVwVmFXeVRzRWZqTythUT09
Meeting ID: 845 7417 3181Passcode: 971590

2.45pm  Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley  https://gymcatch.com/         
4pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley  https://gymcatch.com/            

Thursday 27 August
2.30pm Fresh Air Fit (starter class) outdoors meet Folly Café carpark Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  
4pm Nordic Walking Wellness (gentle)  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking Worden     https://gymcatch.com/  
Friday 28 August
9.30am Zumba Zoom in your Living Room https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88499203571?pwd=cWpVT0tQRlRQa3hEMlN2VC9wSTZkZz09
Meeting ID: 884 9920 3571Passcode: 311277
10.30am Pilates Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81241147320?pwd=ZTFkUGQrNm9IN0FWQThNNVhCRzhsUT09
Meeting ID: 812 4114 7320 Passcode: 527093

6.30pm Nordic Walking Adventure White Coppice https://gymcatch.com/
Saturday 29 August
10am Nordic Walking  https://gymcatch.com/ 
 Love to you all.


Quick message – Zumba Zoom in your Living Room Friday

Hello everyone,
I was waiting to see what the weather was like for Friday so we could be outside again – it was glorious last Friday- but alas the  forecast is not good for tomorrow morning see we will be on Zoom 9.30am for  Zumba 10.30am  for Pilates.

Next Nordic Walking Technique course (spaces left)
Nordic Walking is proving to be such a good thing for us to do to keep active, socialize and get  fresh air safely during this time.  The next technique course will be on Friday 21 August 2pm on Worden Park.To book go to  https://gymcatch.com/ and search for Do Fitness.

Fresh Air Fit Mondays 9.30am and new Starter Fresh Air Fit Thursdays 2.30pm
I have started  a new gentle Starter Fresh Air Fit on Thursdays at 2.30pm This class is designed to get you fit again after lockdown. On Mondays at 9.30am we have Fresh Air Fit too. For both classes meet on the Folly Café carpark (park on the main carpark and walk round to the Arts Centre.) We will work on  cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance and flexibility all outdoors.https://gymcatch.com/ .

Weekly White Coppice Nordic Walks Friday Evenings (spaces left)

Last week’s walk was beautiful and we walked to Waterman’s Cottage,  Anglezarke on one (rather muddy) side of the goit and walked back on the dry side. When we got back to White Coppice we walked up the side of Black Brook and had an amazing view pictured above. We could see Blackpool Tower and the Lake District. This coming week we are going to explore routes to Healey Nab from White Coppice. Please meet on the cricket ground at White Coppice. If you are not familiar with the area call me an I will give you directions.https://gymcatch.com/  Gymcatch for outdoor classes and social distancing
Because of the government regulations a booking system is in place for face to face classes as we can no longer do ‘paying at the door’ and we need to have a way to trace everyone with contact details. The  booking system can be found on https://gymcatch.com/  -go to this web-site and click the red ‘book’ button on the top right hand side. Search for Do Fitness. If you are going to use one of your pre-paid tickets from you 12 for 10 book of tickets that you bought before lockdown  use the code TICKETBOOK when asked for payment. Nordic Walkers please bring your own poles (let me know if you need to borrow some) and Pilates bring their own mat. All outdoor classes are following guidelines on social distancing You can now get a 12 for 10 offer on Gymcatch.com which is great for my regular Nordic Walkers.

Thank you for the Donations for Zoom classes and using YouTube Videos

Thank you so much for the donations people have made for doing Zoom classes and using the YouTube videos – it helps to pay for the Zoom  and Zumba subscriptions, expensive broadband, music license and insurances. https://dofitness.org/timetable-2

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group Please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  The Do Fitness YouTube Channel 
Don’t forget there are plenty of videos on our channel for you to use! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Timetable from Thursday  20 August

Thursday 20 August
2.30pm Fresh Air Fit (starter class) outdoors meet Folly Café carpark Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  
4pm Nordic Walking Wellness (gentle)  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking Worden     https://gymcatch.com/  
Friday 21 August
9.30am Zumba Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82446192699?pwd=eVlYZ3draU5RQ2JuclBUVXVhWmJIQT09
Meeting ID: 824 4619 2699 Passcode: 257637
10.30am Pilates Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81241147320?pwd=ZTFkUGQrNm9IN0FWQThNNVhCRzhsUT09
Meeting ID: 812 4114 7320 Passcode: 527093

2.00pm Nordic Walking Technique Training Session https://gymcatch.com/

6.30pm Nordic Walking Adventure White Coppice https://gymcatch.com/
Saturday 22 August
9am Nordic Walking  https://gymcatch.com/ 
10.30am Nordic Walking https://gymcatch.com/Love to you all.


Week beginning 17 August

Hello everyone,
I am learning that I can’t quite trust weather forecasts more than a couple of days ahead so I  made last minute plans for Zumba and Pilates on Friday morning last week and it was absolutely gorgeous! Thank you to everyone who came.

Next Nordic Walking Technique course
Nordic Walking is proving to be such a good thing for us to do to keep active, socialize and get  fresh air safely during this time.  The next technique course will be on Friday 21 August 2pm on Worden Park.To book go to  https://gymcatch.com/ and search for Do Fitness.

Fresh Air Fit Mondays 9.30am and new Starter Fresh Air Fit Thursdays 2.30pm
I have started  a new gentle Starter Fresh Air Fit on Thursdays at 2.30pm This class is designed to get you fit again after lockdown. On Mondays at 9.30am we have Fresh Air Fit too. For both classes meet on the Folly Café carpark (park on the main carpark and walk round to the Arts Centre.) We will work on  cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance and flexibility all outdoors.https://gymcatch.com/ .

Weekly White Coppice Nordic Walks Friday Evenings
Last week’s walk was beautiful and we walked to Waterman’s Cottage,  Anglezarke on one (rather muddy) side of the goit and walked back on the dry side. When we got back to White Coppice we walked up the side of Black Brook and had an amazing view. We could see Blackpool Tower and the Lake District. This coming week we are going to explore routes to Healey Nab from White Coppice. Please meet on the cricket ground at White Coppice. If you are not familiar with the area call me an I will give you directions.https://gymcatch.com/  Gymcatch for outdoor classes and social distancing
Because of the government regulations a booking system is in place for face to face classes as we can no longer do ‘paying at the door’ and we need to have a way to trace everyone with contact details. The  booking system can be found on https://gymcatch.com/  -go to this web-site and click the red ‘book’ button on the top right hand side. Search for Do Fitness. If you are going to use one of your pre-paid tickets from you 12 for 10 book of tickets that you bought before lockdown  use the code TICKETBOOK when asked for payment. Nordic Walkers please bring your own poles (let me know if you need to borrow some) and Pilates bring their own mat. All outdoor classes are following guidelines on social distancing You can now get a 12 for 10 offer on Gymcatch.com which is great for my regular Nordic Walkers.

Thank you for the Donations for Zoom classes and using YouTube Videos

Thank you so much for the donations people have made for doing Zoom classes and using the YouTube videos – it helps to pay for the Zoom  and Zumba subscriptions, expensive broadband, music license and insurances. https://dofitness.org/timetable-2

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group Please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  The Do Fitness YouTube Channel 
Don’t forget there are plenty of videos on our channel for you to use! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Timetable from Monday 17 August
Monday 17 August

9.30am Fresh Air Fit an outdoor circuits class – meet Folly Café carpark  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking – meet Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  

Tuesday 18 August
11.30am Nordic Walking Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  

Wednesday 19 August
9.30am Zumba Zoom – contact Diane for link

2.45pm  Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley  https://gymcatch.com/         
4pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley  https://gymcatch.com/            

Thursday 20 August
2.30pm Fresh Air Fit (starter class) outdoors meet Folly Café carpark Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  
4pm Nordic Walking Wellness (gentle)  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking Worden     https://gymcatch.com/  
Friday 21 August
10.30am Pilates Zoom contact Diane for link

2.00pm Nordic Walking Technique Training Session https://gymcatch.com/

6.30pm Nordic Walking Adventure White Coppice https://gymcatch.com/
Saturday 22 August
9am Nordic Walking  https://gymcatch.com/ 
10.30am Nordic Walking https://gymcatch.com/Love to you all.

Quick message- outdoor Zumba and Pilates Friday 14 August.

Hello everyone,
What an amazing week weather wise. I looked at the temperature in Leyland yesterday and it was only a few degrees lower than Greece! We kept in the shade as much as possible with outdoor classes. Tomorrow Friday 14 August looks to be a bit cooler but  not raining so I decided to put on an outdoor Zumba 9.30am and Pilates 10.30am. Fingers crossed!

Friday 14 August
9.30am Zumba outdoors  https://gymcatch.com/
10.30am Pilates outdoors 

News flash! Next Nordic Walking Technique course
This will be on Friday 21 August 2pm on Worden Park. To book go to  https://gymcatch.com/  and search Do Fitness

Fresh Air Fit and new Starter Fresh Air Fit  
I am starting a new gentle Starter Fresh Air Fit on Thursday at 2.30pm This class is designed to get you fit again after lockdown. On Monday at 9.30am we had our second week of Fresh Air Fit too. See picture below. For both classes meet on the Folly Café carpark (park on the main carpark and walk round to the Arts Centre.) We will work on  cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance and flexibility all outdoors.https://gymcatch.com/ .

Friday 14 August 6.30pm evening adventure Nordic Walk at White Coppice 
Last week’s walk was beautiful and we walked to Brinscall and back along the goit. This week we are going in the opposite direction and we will head towards Waterman’s Cottage on Anglezarke. Please meet on the cricket ground at White Coppice. If you are not familiar with the area call me an I will give you directions.https://gymcatch.com/  Gymcatch for outdoor classes and social distancing
Because of the government regulations a booking system is in place for face to face classes as we can no longer do ‘paying at the door’ and we need to have a way to trace everyone with contact details. The  booking system can be found on https://gymcatch.com/  -go to this web-site and click the red ‘book’ button on the top right hand side. Search for Do Fitness. If you are going to use one of your pre-paid tickets from you 12 for 10 book of tickets that you bought before lockdown  use the code TICKETBOOK when asked for payment. Nordic Walkers please bring your own poles (let me know if you need to borrow some) and Pilates bring their own mat. All outdoor classes are following guidelines on social distancing You can now get a 12 for 10 offer on Gymcatch.com which is great for my regular Nordic Walkers.

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group Please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  The Do Fitness YouTube Channel 
Don’t forget there are plenty of videos on our channel for you to use! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Timetable from Thursday 13 August

Thursday 13 August2.30pm Fresh Air Fit (starter class) outdoors meet Folly Café carpark Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  
4pm Nordic Walking Wellness (gentle)  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking Worden     https://gymcatch.com/  

Friday 14 August
9.30am Zumba outdoors https://gymcatch.com/
10.30am Pilates outdoors https://gymcatch.com/
6.30pm Nordic Walking Adventure White Coppice https://gymcatch.com/
Saturday 8 August
9am Nordic Walking  https://gymcatch.com/ 
10.30am Nordic Walking https://gymcatch.com/Love to you all.

Week beginning 10 August, new Fresh Air Fit (starter class), White Coppice NW and timetable.

Hello everyone,
Well we had some beautiful outdoor classes last week with fabulous weather. When I looked at the weather forecast for this coming week every day has rain forecast! So the only outdoor classes are Nordic Walking and Fresh Air Fit I am afraid.

Fresh Air Fit and new Starter Fresh Air Fit  
I am starting a new gentle Starter Fresh Air Fit on Thursday at 2.30pm This class is designed to get you fit again after lockdown. On Monday at 9.30am we have our second week of Fresh Air Fit too. For both classes meet on the Folly Café carpark (park on the main carpark and walk round to the Arts Centre.) We will work on  cardiovascular fitness, strength, balance and flexibility all outdoors.https://gymcatch.com/ .

Friday 14 August 6.30pm evening adventure Nordic Walk at White Coppice 
Last week’s walk was beautiful and we walked to Brinscall and back along the goit. This week we are going in the opposite direction and we will head towards Waterman’s Cottage on Anglezarke. Please meet on the cricket ground at White Coppice. If you are not familiar with the area call me an I will give you directions.https://gymcatch.com/ 

 Gymcatch for outdoor classes and social distancing
Because of the government regulations a booking system is in place for face to face classes as we can no longer do ‘paying at the door’ and we need to have a way to trace everyone with contact details. The  booking system can be found on https://gymcatch.com/  -go to this web-site and click the red ‘book’ button on the top right hand side. Search for Do Fitness. If you are going to use one of your pre-paid tickets from you 12 for 10 book of tickets that you bought before lockdown  use the code TICKETBOOK when asked for payment. Nordic Walkers please bring your own poles (let me know if you need to borrow some) and Pilates bring their own mat. All outdoor classes are following guidelines on social distancing You can now get a 12 for 10 offer on Gymcatch.com which is great for my regular Nordic Walkers.

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group Please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949

The Do Fitness YouTube Channel 
Don’t forget there are plenty of videos on our channel for you to use! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Subscribe to mailing list for the Do Fitness newsletter

Please subscribe to the Do Fitness mailing list by looking for the subscribe button on this website. That way you will be kept up to date with what is happening in this every changing time.

Timetable from Monday 10 August
Monday 10 August

9.30am Fresh Air Fit an outdoor circuits class – meet Folly Café carpark  https://gymcatch.com/  
6.30pm Nordic Walking – meet Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  

Tuesday 11 August
11.30am Nordic Walking Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/  

Wednesday 12 August
9.30am Zumba Zoom in your Living Room  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84574173181?pwd=Z0pKUXpSbWVwVmFXeVRzRWZqTythUT09

Meeting ID: 845 7417 3181
Passcode: 971590

2.45pm  Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley  https://gymcatch.com/         

4pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley  https://gymcatch.com/Thursday 13 August
2.30pm Fresh Air Fit (starter class) outdoors meet Folly Café carpark Worden Park  https://gymcatch.com/
4pm Nordic Walking Wellness (gentle)  https://gymcatch.com/
6.30pm Nordic Walking Worden     https://gymcatch.com/

Friday 14 August
6.30pm Nordic Walking Adventure White Coppice https://gymcatch.com/
Saturday 8 August
9am Nordic Walking  https://gymcatch.com/
10.30am Nordic Walking https://gymcatch.com/

Love to you all.