Summer holidays 2015 – no classes week beginning 27th July

This year has gone so fast! The summer holiday season is nearly upon us. For Do Fitness classes we have one week off in summer. This year it is the last week of July. There are no classes from Monday 27th to Friday 31st July
All back to normal on Monday 3rd August. Have a good holiday where and when ever you are going.

How to relax
I have been thinking a lot about the impact of the cumulative effect of stress on our bodies and minds. Sometimes it can creep up on us for all sorts of reasons and manifest itself in different ways such as high blood pressure, anxiety or fatigue. Obviously if there is an easily identifiable cause of this stress we can try to change this where possible.

By coming to classes you are using the fabulous fixer of exercise to lessen the impact of stress. 
Here a few extra things you could try :

Going for walk has an amazing effect – it sounds so simple that we often forget its positive effect. We have the beautiful Worden Park in Leyland to enjoy.

Taking time out to listen to guided relaxation–  some of the best ones I have found are on They have calming voices which have an immediate effect. One of my favourites is Blissful Deep Relaxation on  – lasts about 20 minutes,.Or on your phone you can go to youtube and search for thehonestguys

Eat well when stressed, we reach for quick fixes – stimulants like coffee, or foods high in fat or sugar. But this diet compounds the problem. Sugar, nicotine and alcohol also stimulate adrenaline in the body, another hormone released to prepare you for fight or flight. When you are under stress it is even more important to eat well. Really focus on improving your nutrition.

To check the timetable for classes got to and to talk to each other  like Facebook page

