Week beginning 15 June

Hello everyone

Wow it was great to see some of you in person last week. We had a great outdoor Zumba on Monday and a peaceful Pilates on Tuesday both on the Folly Café Lawn with a two sessions of Nordic Walking! It was a good feeling to be doing something normal again and getting together.
I have been trying to use this hiatus as effectively as possible and I have been doing quite a lot of on line teacher training. I am doing a level 3 exercise for older adults course which is proving to be really interesting. I am also  going to be training as a Relaxation, Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher – something I have been meaning to do for a long time. A lot of reading for me! 

For outdoor classes I need to keep an eye on the weather forecast so I have moved the outdoor Pilates from Tuesday to Thursday next week. I have added another outdoor Zumba next week on Thursday as Monday is full. Not only am I keeping my eye on the weather but also all the government announcements and COVID news so that is why I am only planning a week at a time!

There is a Nordic Walking Technique course at 11.30am on Monday 15 June. A number of people have been asking about that.

I am trying an experiment with SWITA and Pilates next week to deliver them through Facebook Live AND Zoom – see what happens!

Gymcatch for outdoor classes and social distancing
Because of the numbers are limited  I  needed a booking system which is now up and running and can be found on www.gymcatch.com  -go to this web-site and click the red ‘book’ button on the top right hand side. If you are going to use one of your pre-paid tickets from you 12 for 10 book of tickets that you bought before lockdown  use the code TICKETBOOK when asked for payment. Nordic Walkers please bring your own poles and Pilates bring their own mat. All outdoor classes are following guidelines on social distancing and max number 5.

The Do Fitness YouTube Channel 
Don’t forget there are plenty of videos on our channel for you to use! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Monday 15 June
9am  Start the week with Interval training for all SWITA Facebook Live on Do Fitness private group  www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949     and Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89991736769?pwd=TkQ1ZjFDSjhyM2xxK2wzSDJxcmx0dz09
Meeting ID: 899 9173 6769 Password: 208747

10.30 Zumba outdoors FULL

11.30am Nordic Walking Technique course

Tuesday 16 June
11.30am Nordic Walking FULL

Wednesday 17 June
9.30am Zumba Zoom  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81949035865?pwd=TTc0ZWdLa1NBbmdhWHJlblhkVU9KQT09

4pm Nordic Walking Cuerden www.gymcatch.com

Thursday 18 June
9.30am Zumba outdoors www.gymcatch.com
10.30am Pilates outdoors www.gymcatch.com
6.30am Nordic Walking Worden www.gymcatch.com

Friday 19 June
9.30am Zumba Zoom  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84842755886?pwd=b3pYTldjYzhsUm44aWc2eGtPRFd1UT09 Meeting ID: 848 4275 5886 Password: 759624

10.30 Pilates  Zoom   https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83365549351?pwd=OVF6c21tT0xhVU15SjEveHZBc1NYQT09 Meeting ID: 833 6554 9351
Password: 766313

Love to you all.