Week beginning 6 July

Hello everyone

Happy new month everyone! 
I have new Fibre Optic broadband – installed last Thursday. The feedback on Friday’s class was great with no delays or freezing – ‘almost like being in the same room.’ Phew! I really need Zoom to work comfortably and effectively as I really don’t see us rushing back to group indoor classes too soon.
Last week’s weather made outdoor classes impossible apart from Nordic Walking which was wonderful despite the rain. Looking at the forecast today next week the weather doesn’t look much better! However there should be some sunshine tomorrow so I have put on an extra outdoor Zumba at 12 noon.

Taking a week off 

I will be taking a week off  from 17 July – classes will start again on Saturday  25 July.  We are going on a family holiday in Wales which was booked last year. Wales is opening up on 13 July so we are lucky to be able to go! So no classes that week.

Next Nordic Walking Technique Course
Many people have discovered how beneficial walking can be during lockdown. A relative of mine has lost a stone in weight and feels so much fitter just by going for a walk every morning whereas he used to drive everywhere. Nordic Walking adds the upper body workout too plus sets a good pace for improved cardiovascular fitness. There is a Nordic Walking Technique course at 4pm  on Friday 10 July meeting on the Folly Café lawn Worden Park. Disinfected poles can be borrowed for this. Book by going to https://gymcatch.com/Gymcatch for outdoor classes and social distancing
Because of the numbers are limited due to the government safety regulations I  needed a booking system which is now up and running and can be found on https://gymcatch.com/  -go to this web-site and click the red ‘book’ button on the top right hand side. Search for Do Fitness. If you are going to use one of your pre-paid tickets from you 12 for 10 book of tickets that you bought before lockdown  use the code TICKETBOOK when asked for payment. Nordic Walkers please bring your own poles (let me know if you need to borrow some) and Pilates bring their own mat. All outdoor classes are following guidelines on social distancing and max number 5. You can now get a 12 for 10 offer on Gymcatch.com

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group 
Please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  

The Do Fitness YouTube Channel 
Don’t forget there are plenty of videos on our channel for you to use! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Timetable week beginning Monday 6 July
Monday 6 July
9am  Start the week with Interval training for All SWITA Facebook Live on Do Fitness private group  www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
10.30am Zumba FULL
12 noon Zumba 5 spaces https://gymcatch.com/
6.30pm Nordic Walking Worden NEW!  FULL

Tuesday 7 July
11.30am Nordic Walking FULL
12.30pm Nordic Walking Lunchtime https://gymcatch.com/   1 space

Wednesday 8 July
9.30am Zumba Zoom- for codes and passwords check your email newsletter or private Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/

10.30am Pilates Zoom – for codes and passwords check your email newsletter or private Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/

2.45pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley https://gymcatch.com/  4 spaces 
4pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley    https://gymcatch.com/         FULLThursday 9 July
4pm Nordic Walking Wellness (gentle)  https://gymcatch.com/1 space
6.30pm Nordic Walking Worden     https://gymcatch.com/1 space

Friday 10 July
9.30am Zumba Zoom  for codes and passwords check your email newsletter or private Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/
10.30am Pilates Facebook  Live  www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949
Saturday 11 July
9am Nordic Walking Early Birds   https://gymcatch.com/1 space
10.30am Nordic Walking      https://gymcatch.com/1 space

Love to you all.