Bank Holiday Weekend, Nordic Walking Tasters and Grief

Hello everyone,

Bank Holiday Weekend
We are having a long weekend this Bank Holiday.
There are no classes on Friday 4th May and Monday 7th May.
Have a lovely time. I will be away in Glossop doing some Pilates training with the amazing Cherry Baker. Watch out everyone in Pilates.

Nutrition and Depression
There is a lot of information and research now about how nutrition affects your mood. You will be hearing people talk about the microbiome in the gut. The microbiome is the multitude of micro-organisms in the gut. Having the right ones keeps us healthy and having too much of the wrong ones can make us ill and this can include low mood or depression. Psychology Today have given the following guide lines for optimum health of the gut.
1. Avoid too much sugar in your diet. This feeds the unhealthy bacteria and yeasts.
2. Get plenty of sleep as this allows the gut to repair and restore.
3 – Meditation and Relaxation: Meditation and quality down time is important to keep the body in the ‘rest and digest’ mode instead of stress mode. Stress mode shuts circulation to the gut, which doesn’t allow a healthy microbiome.
4 – Eat Foods with Fiber: Good fiber helps feed the good bacteria and keeps them healthy. Vegetables, fruits, psyllium, flax, inulin and other fibers also help keep good flora and proper balance of short chain fatty acids in the intestines.
5 – Eat Probiotic Foods: These include natto (a traditional Japanese fermented food), kim chi (Korean style cabbage), sauerkraut, yogurt, kefir, tempeh, fermented milk (like buttermilk), miso, and non-baked cheeses (like aged cheese). Homemade sauerkraut is better than store bought, for the store bought stuff is pasteurized, which kills some of the good probiotics.
6 – Consider a probiotic supplement: For patients with health issues, sometimes it makes sense to use a supplement along with foods. A good quality supplement should contain with Lactobacillus and bifidus bacteria. There are a number of good ones on the market and some that are poorly made, so if you choose to take a supplement, make sure the manufacturer is of the highest quality in terms of raw materials, culturing techniques, and quality control.
There are also some good nutrition guidelines from Dr Chatterjee:

You are what you eat: How diet can improve symptoms of depression

Free Nordic Walking Taster.
There is a free Taster Course coming up on Saturday 12th May at 11.30am for those who would like to try this fantastic form of outdoor exercise. to book on go to
We are going to start a Nordic Walking Group in Cuerden Valley Park at the end of May.

As most of you know I lost my beloved son Yianni on 30th April 2016. He was 25 and just about to start work as a solicitor after years of hard work. Monday was the second anniversary so I took the day off. Thank you to the cover teachers Fiona, Jen and Catherine for teaching for me. Chris my husband, Mano Yianni’s older brother and Eleni his little sister took the day off too and we went to Go Ape at Rivington to do something as a family. Thank you for your support every one over the last two years.. Today I feel exhausted and broken hearted.

Love to everyone


9.30am 50+ Circuits Leyland Methodist Turpin Green Lane Leyland PR25 3HA
10.30am Pilates Leyland Methodist Turpin Green Lane Leyland PR25 3HA (waiting list)
11.30am Fitness 55+ Leyland Methodist Turpin Green Lane Leyland PR25 3HA
1.15pm Chair Fit Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
2.00pm Pilates Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE

7.30pm Pilates Leyland Methodist Church Hall Turpin Green Lane Leyland PR25 3HA

9.30am Zumba Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
10.30am Pilates Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
11.30am 60+ Circuits Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
1.30pm Seated Pilates St Ambrose Church Hall Moss Lane Leyland PR25 4XA
2.15pm Pilates St Ambrose Church Hall Moss Lane Leyland PR25 4XA

7.30pm Pilates Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE

9.30am Zumba Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
10.30am Pilates Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
11.30am Chair Fit Prospect House Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
1.30pm Fitness 55+ St Andrews Church Hall Worden Lane Leyland PR25 3EL
2.15pm Seated Pilates St Andrews Church Hall Worden Lane Leyland PR25 3EL