Timetable week beginning 10th February

Monday  Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland

10.30am   Pilates               11.30am  Forever Fitness 55+

Wednesday  Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland

9.30am  Zumba       10.30am    Pilates                     11.30am   60+ Circuits

Thursday      Pilates  Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland

6.30pm Zumba                      7.30pm Pilates


Friday    Euxton Community Centre Wigan Road

9.30am Zumba and tone     10.30am Pilates                11.30am  Forever Fitness 55+

Newsletter 4th February

I hope you are well. I have been told that I had flu followed by a virus. The after effects of the virus are a horrible cough and extreme tiredness. I have had all the check ups and I have been told I just have to be patient and avoid vigorous exercise for a couple of weeks. This is not great when you are a fitness instructor! So for now I will just be teaching Pilates and 60+ Circuits with possibly a bit of Forever Fitness 55+. Other teachers will be covering my more vigorous classes. I am really missing jiggling around but now have to listen to my body and my doctor. Thanks everyone who has asked about me and to the people who have told me stories about other people who have had the same virus and their symptoms- it has been reassuring.
How do I know what is on and when? The best way to do this is to go to my web-site www.dofitness.org/calendar or www.dofitness.org and look at ‘upcoming events’ .
FFIT Fitness Fusion with Interval Training We have decided to run this class as a course or blocks lasting for 5 weeks at a time. So for the time being it is not running as a rolling programme. I will let you know when the first block will start.
Monday morning Zumba 9.30am Wellington Park This class has finished for the time being. Thank you to those people who came to the class. But I have had to make some changes to my timetable in preparation for my new job.
60+ Circuits Wednesdays 11.30am Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EEThis class has been started as a gentle older persons circuit class. It is ideal for people who do not want to go to a dance based class. It came about when I was contacted by the NHS Healthy Lifestyle Team as I am GP Referral trained instructor. They wanted a class for their participants to graduate onto after they had done the Healthy Lifestyle Programme. It is at 11.30am Wednesday mornings at Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland.
Stamps If you have any used stamps you don’t know what to do with Chris Taylor in Zumba is collecting them for RNIB. Just bring them to class and I will forward them to her. A thank you to Chris too for coming early and helping me unload my equipment. This has been really helpful while I have been a wet lettuce these last few weeks.
Your events If you have any events you would like to let people know about, say you are hosting charity event, please let me have the details and I can put it in the newsletter.


Lots of love



Timetable week beginning 3rd February

Monday 9.30am     Zumba and tone       Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland              10.30am   Pilates               11.30am  Forever Fitness 55+

Wednesday 9.30am      Zumba               Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland                     10.30am    Pilates                     11.30am   60+ Circuits

Thursday       6.30pm Zumba                      7.30pm Pilates  Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland

Friday    9.30am Zumba and tone  Euxton Community Centre Wigan Road               10.30am Pilates                11.30am  Forever Fitness 55+

Timetable week beginning 27th January

Thanks for bearing with me while I have been ill. Thank you too to my cover teachers Karen and Henry.  I will be teaching all classes next week apart from Zumba. Strict instructions from my doctor not to do anything too vigorous yet.


New Job

I have had to reduce my timetable  as I have been offered a part-time salaried post with Age Concern which I am really excited about. It is related to my previous job before  I trained as a Personal Trainer and Fitness Instructor. Fortunately the post is flexible hours and I can keep my morning classes going and Thursday evening. It has been difficult to make the decision to reduce my classes as so many of you in those classes have become friends.
Eccleston and Coppull classes Eccleston classes have finished and Coppull will not be starting again for now. Thank you to those people who came.


60+ Circuits Wednesdays 11.30am Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE

This class has been started as a gentle older persons circuit class. It is ideal for people who do not want to go to a dance based class. It came about when I was contacted by the NHS Healthy Lifestyle Team as I am GP Referral trained instructor. They wanted a class for their participants to graduate onto after they had done the Healthy Lifestyle Programme. It currently starts at 11.45am on Wednesday mornings. If you are new please come at 11.30am. From Wednesday 5th February it will start at 11.30am
Fitness Fusion with Interval Training FFIT is starting again next week This is an extremely effective way to get fit and lose body fat. You have a take home worksheet so you can do 10 minute workouts between classes. The price is now £3 if you come to Zumba after or £4 if you attend only the  FFIT class.
Timetable Week beginning 27th of January

Monday 9.30am     Zumba and tone       Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland              10.30am   Pilates               11.30am  Forever Fitness 55+
Wednesday 9.30am      Zumba               Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland                     10.30am    Pilates                     11.45am   60+ Circuits
Thursday      6pm  Fitness Fusion with Interval Training FFIT Prospect House                      6.30pm Zumba                      7.30pm Pilates
Friday    9.30am Zumba and tone Euxton Community Centre Wigan Road               10.30am Pilates                11.30am  Forever Fitness 55+





We are back- week beginning 20th of January

Well I can safely say that is the worst bout of flu I have ever had. I know I didn’t help myself by going back to work in that condition. Starting to feel a bit better- phew!
Euxton evening classes finishing The sad news is  I will have to change my working pattern and the biggest change is  that  I am finishing working Monday evenings in Euxton at the C of E School. This is a very difficult to do as I  many of you are good friends. Thank you everyone for coming to classes. I hope that some of you can come to Thursdays Zumba 6.30pm or Pilates at 7.30pm at Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland  or I will arrange a big get together event like we did for my birthday last year. Sadly there will be no more Euxton evening classes they have finished now.
Timetable week beginning 20th of January

Monday @ Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland

9.30 Zumba and Tone      10.30am Pilates          11,30  Forever Fitness 55+


Wednesday@Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland

9.30 Zumba      10.30am Pilates

Wednesday@ St. Agnes Eccleston

1.15pm Forever Fitness55+      NO Zumba 

Thursday@ Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland

6.30pm Zumba    7.30pm Pilates     NO Fitness Fusion


Friday@ Euxton Community Centre

9.30 Zumba and Tone      10.30am Pilates          11,30  Forever Fitness 55+




There may be other teachers covering until I am 100% fit.






