I love this time of year when we start to notice changes such as longer days and spring flowers appearing. Don’t forget that we have had insufficient sunlight in the winter months. We need sunlight to produce vitamin D. It is recommended you take D3 supplementation between October and April in the UK especially if you have been feeling tired and a bit down. Vitamin D – NHS
Class member’s Art Classes
Rebecca is running her Art classes in Croston on Tuesdays 10am to 12 noon and 1pm to 3pm.
The focus is on self-care and creativity. The pressure-free, sociable environment of the sessions enables members to practise art skills and escape the pressures of outside responsibilities and concerns. Everyone is welcome, whether they have some, little or no experience in art.
For more information on how to join, contact Rebecca, email rfreear@gmail.com or phone 07947 162881.
Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden
Monday 10 February -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates
6.30pm Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw
Tuesday 11 February
10am Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens
Wednesday 12 February- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit
Thursday 13 February
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre
6.30pm Zumba- Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-
Friday 14 February-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
Saturday 15 February
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland
Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!