Week beginning 10 February

I love this time of year when we start to notice changes such as longer days and spring flowers appearing. Don’t forget that we have had insufficient sunlight in the winter months.  We need sunlight to produce vitamin D. It is recommended you take D3 supplementation between October and April in the UK especially if you have been feeling tired and a bit down. Vitamin D – NHS 

Class member’s Art Classes
Rebecca is running her Art classes in Croston on Tuesdays 10am to 12 noon and 1pm to 3pm.
The focus is on self-care and creativity.  The pressure-free, sociable environment of the sessions enables members to practise art skills and escape the pressures of outside responsibilities and concerns.  Everyone is welcome, whether they have some, little or no experience in art.  
For more information on how to join, contact Rebecca, email rfreear@gmail.com or phone 07947 162881.

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 10 February -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates

6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 11 February
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre 
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 12 February- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 13 February
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-     

Friday 14 February-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Saturday 15 February
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!



Week beginning 3 February – sunshine and self-care.

Happy new month and what a beautiful way to start February with gorgeous sunshine. It really was uplifting to be out and about yesterday with my Nordic Walkers (new and old). Out in the sunshine I started to think a bit about how we look after ourselves ie self-care and promised myself to do that a little more. Sometimes we can be rushing around with work or family commitments and neglect ourselves which in the end is not sustainable and not good for us.
Self-care: 7 tips for putting yourself first – BHF

Nordic Walking Technique Session in the sunshine
We had a most enjoyable Nordic Walking Technique session in the beautiful sunshine on Saturday. More sessions will be organised soon.

Just One Thing – with Michael Mosley – Nordic Walking – BBC Sounds

Class member raised funds for Mind
Well done to our class member Lynne who raised £342 for Mind in the January Move for Mind campaign!

Class member on television
Our class member Graham Lockwood appeared on television talking about prostate cancer and encouraging men to get checked .https://www.facebook.com/603938325/videos/3498864286911931/

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 3 February -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 4 February
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre 
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 5 February- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 6 February
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates- 

Friday 7 February-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Saturday 8 February
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!




Week beginning 27 February – next Nordic Walking technique session.

I came across a video clip about Dick Van Dyke, who is nearly 100 hundred years old. He was asked what he attributed his longevity to. He said he had always exercised. He still goes to the gym 3 times a week, swims regularly, and of course, dances. It is important to find exercise that is right for you regardless of your fitness level or health condition. That is why I started chair-based classes, so there always was something for everyone. It was nice to have an LEP reporter come to photograph one of our sessions recently!

Next Nordic Walking Technique Session
Learn the Nordic Walking Technique so you can join our groups or go out independently. The session will be on 1 February meeting on Worden Park at 1.30pm – book by going to Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden
Nordic Walking with Diane Oakden
Just One Thing – with Michael Mosley – Nordic Walking – BBC Sounds

Class member raising funds for Mind
One of our lovely class members Lynn is raising funds for the mental health charity Mind. Here is more information if you want to support her:
Lynn’s Move for Mind Challenge is taking part in Move for Mind

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane OakdenMonday 27 January -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra BuckshawTuesday 28 January
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre 
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose GardensWednesday 29 January- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am ChairfitThursday 30 January
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates- Friday 31 January-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba GoldSaturday 1 February
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland
1.30pm Nordic Walking Technique Session

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you to everyone who has brought stamps into class!




Week beginning 20 January, next Nordic Walking technique session and stretches

January can be a bit tough after all the sparkle and expectations of Christmas
our mood can flatten a bit. This is when it is even more important to get back into your exercise routine. Getting out in the fresh air is particularly helpful and we always feel better after our Nordic Walks even with the grey skies. We start to notice nature so much now too with the appearance of snowdrops and other spring flowers.

Next Nordic Walking Technique Session
Learn the Nordic Walking Technique so you can join our groups or go out independently. 
Nordic Walking with Diane Oakden
Just One Thing – with Michael Mosley – Nordic Walking – BBC Sounds

Why stretching is so important
Our bodies naturally want to stretch, in fact, we often do it subconsciously. Just watch a baby wake up from a sleep. (It is called pandiculation.) Whether stretching is voluntary or involuntary it can help reduce back pain, increase range of movement and decrease the risk of injury. Also, it helps increase blood flow. Here are some lovely stretches:
10 stretching exercises to improve your flexibility – BHF

Class member raising funds for Mind
One of our lovely class members Lynn is raising funds for the mental health charity Mind. Here is more information if you want to support her:
Lynn’s Move for Mind Challenge is taking part in Move for Mind

Wool for Bereavement Team- big thank you from Janine!
Our class member Janine is busy making blankets for the Bereavement Team to give to patients at the end of their life for comfort. If you have any bits of wool you would like to donate please bring them into class and I will forward on to her. Thank you so much for the donations we have had so far. It has been amazing!

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 20 January -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates

6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 21 January
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre 
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 22 January- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 23 January
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-     

Friday 24 January-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Saturday 25 January
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!


Week beginning 13 January and improving your balance

Well, the icy weather last week had an impact on people’s endeavours to get back to class. Please don’t worry if you didn’t come, it is better to be safe.
Even Nordic Walking was a bit too Nordic!

Balance and how to improve it
This is something we work on in every class including chair-based. It is so important to practice this to have a good balance as we get older.
Here is a useful video with plenty of ideas: How to Improve Your Balance

New Videos on Youtube
Zumba with Diane Oakden – Seaside by Sofia Reyes
Zumba with Diane Oakden- Danza Kuduro (f. Dom Omar) Lucenzo

Chairfit with Diane Oakden-Seaside by Sofia Reyes

Lancashire Evening Post coming to class
A photographer is coming to our Chairfit class on Thursday to take our photograph. She is interested in what we are doing to keep fit and healthy. Please let me know if you don’t wish to be in the photos.

Class member raising funds for Mind
One of our lovely class members Lynn is raising funds for the mental health charity Mind. Here is more information if you want to support her:
Lynn’s Move for Mind Challenge is taking part in Move for Mind

Wool for Bereavement Team
Our class member Janine is busy making blankets for the Bereavement Team to give to patients at the end of their life for comfort. If you have any bits of wool you would like to donate please bring them into class and I will forward on to her


Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 13 January -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates6.30pm 

 Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 14 January
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre 
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 15 January- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 16 January
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates- 

Friday 17 January-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Saturday 18 January
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!




Week beginning 6 January and Happy New Year!

Hello, and Happy New Year!
I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in class next week. I have bumped into a couple of people over the last few days and they have said they are looking forward to getting back into their exercise routine and eating normally again!

Christmas Raffle and donations for the local MS Society- total raised £380
A big thank you to everyone we raised £380!
Thank you to the two Lynnes and Debbie for your hard work making the beautiful prizes.

Christmas lunches
It was great to see over 80 people at our 2 lunches this year!

Inflammation – what is it and how to reduce it
Inflammation has been mentioned quite a bit recently in the media. I found a couple of articles briefly explaining what it is and ways to reduce it. Reviewing your diet, exercising regularly, reducing stress and getting outdoors all help.

5 natural ways to reduce inflammation

9 Ways to Reduce Inflammation, According to Doctors | livestrong

Wool for Bereavement Team
One of our class members is busy making blankets for the Bereavement Team to give to patients at the end of their life for comfort. If you have any bits of wool you would like to donate please bring it into class and I will forward on to her.

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 6 January -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates

6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 7 January
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre 
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 8 January- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 9 January
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-     

Friday 10 January-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Saturday 11 January
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!
