Bollywood Workshop, St. Catherines Bollywood Night, May bank holidays, venue change and Art Exhibition.

I hope you all had a good Easter break. Here are a few things that are coming up.

Bollywood Workshop
Our DO Fitness Bollywood Workshop is taking place on Friday 24th April from 7pm until 9pm at Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland, PR25 3SP. The workshop is being delivered by the amazing Prabha. We will learn about the history of India dance, some beautiful hand movements and about Bollywood. It will be a really interesting evening. So excited! The cost is £10 and to book on just sign up in class or email me to book you a place

St. Catherine’s Bollywood Night – thank you Linda for telling me about this!
This is taking place on Friday 26th June at 7.30pm in the marquee at St. Catherine’s. (Lostock Lane, Lostock Hall, Preston PR5 5XU) Enjoy Indian food, henna tattoos and learn how to boogie to Bollywood music. We may even  be asked to do our current Bollywood dance along with the other attendees. If you want to practice here is a very similar version

To book on to the night go to: You can buy your ticket on line or pay over the phone. We should have a lot of fun.

May Bank Holidays
There will be no classes on Monday 4th May and Monday 25th May due to bank holidays.

Venue change due to the General Election on Thursday 7th May
Prospect House is being used as a polling  station on Thursday 7th may. I have booked Wellington Park, Burlington Gardens, Leyland PR25 3SP. It is just round the corner from Prospect House.

Art Exhibition.
Some of you know that by coming to fitness classes with me you have been supporting a new artist! Thank you everyone.
People have been asking me about my husband’s Art Exhibition. It is on until 25th April at South Ribble Museum and Exhibition Centre, The Old Grammar School next to St. Andrew’s Church. and opening times: and my husband’s web-site if you can’t go but are interested in art.

If you use Facebook please like it’s a great way to talk to each other.

For class times go to

See you soon


Easter holidays

Hi everyone

There will  be no classes on Good Friday (3rd April) and Easter Monday (6th April).
All other classes are running as normal.

I went to see the Second Best Exotic Marigold Hotel. I went because some of my class members had been and said they loved the Bollywood dancing.  so I will work on a routine for us to dance to in Zumba and Fitness 55+ – but it might not be quite as energetic as the film. I am trying to organise a Indian dance and Bollywood workshop. I will keep you posted about that.

 “I can’t believe the progress I have made over the last few months, I’m probably more flexible now in my 60s than I was in my 30s, It just feels sooo good!”  Class member commented. I am finding a lot a people get so much out of Pilates. It is a subtle exercise form that often you realise how good is for you posture and aches and pains when you have a few weeks off.

Mondays 10.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB and 7.30pm St. Chads School Wheelton ( Whittle -le-woods/ Heapey) PR6 8LL  , Wednesdays 10.30am and Thursdays 7.30pm Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 10.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

Our new salsa track is a version of Marco Antonio Solis song
 We will introduce a new Cumbia track next week as I know a of of people love Cumbia
Wednesdays 9.30am and  Thursdays 6.30pm  Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 9.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

50+ and 60+ Circuits
Wednesday morning11.30am class can be attended by anyone who is returning to exercise and not just for the over 60s. It is a great way to get you confidence back after a period of time away from exercise.
Mondays 50+ Circuits 9.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB
Wednesdays 60+ and Starter Circuits 11.30am Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE

Fitness 55+
Here is the music for one of our new tracks so you can practice at home
Mondays 11.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB and Fridays 11.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

Have a good Easter everyone. I am going to see my lovely brother in Arnside which I am looking forward to.


Winter Sunshine

The days are getting longer hurray! I have been making the most of winter sunshine whenever I can and it made me think about organising another ‘Walk and Talk’. Also I was on a training day for my other job last week. ( Yes I am what is called a ‘portfolio worker’ – I have two jobs!) The trainer was saying how important social connections are for health. She said: People with strong, broad social relationships are happier, healthier and live longer. Wow – that’s why exercising in a group or class feels so good. It can’t be replaced by watching a DVD and exercising alone as somebody’s husband suggested.

Next Walk and Talk
Sunday 15th February Meet in main Car Park in Worden Park at 2pm. The walk will last about an hour.
Wear warm clothes and strong walking shoes/boots.

Fit with HIIT
We were fully booked for the course that has just started. I will let people know when another one is planned.

Short courses
I will probably run a Core (Swiss) Ball short course. This is fab and I used to run one at Leyland Leisure Centre. I will let you know the date.
Also I have just been on a course for Pilates for under 16s so I am planning a short course for Pilates for 11-14s. I will keep you posted about that one too.

To check classes during bad weather or for any other reason please look at ‘upcoming events’







New Fit with HIIT starts 29th January 2015

Hi everyone,

We are back!
If I haven’t seen you yet a big Happy New Year to you! I know quite few people had a horrible bug over Christmas and it has taken quite while to get over it. Take your time to recover properly before you come back to class. Don’t feel you have to rush back. It is so important for your immune system to let your body fully recover.

Fit with HIIT (FHIIT for short!)    Starts Thursday 29th January 
This class uses HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to get fit as quickly as possible. There will be take home workouts which last for 10-15 minutes which you can do between classes. We are going to have a 5 week programme starting on Thursday 29th January at 6pm Prospect House Sandy Lane, Leyland. We need 10  people to book on to run the course. It will be £20 a course.  This worked really well for people last summer. This is an email I got from a participant on the last course:
 “I have been doing FHIIT alongside a change to my eating habits and am amazed at the results so far.  I am also jogging with a friend and have so far lost 11 and a half pounds, 2.5 inches off my waist and an inch off my hips!! I am both amazed and HAPPY.  So happy I went a treated myself to a pair of running trainers at the weekend.Thanks for your help and support, it has inspired me.”

This approach is a really good way to boost your fitness. You can sign up for FHIIT in class or email me to let me know you are interested.


I am doing a course at the end of the month on Pilates for the next generation (under 16s) as I have had a request to put on short courses for the younger age group. Great for self esteem and body confidence. I will keep you posted.

Mondays 10.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB and Mondays 7.30pm St. Chads School Hall, Wheelton PR6 8LL, Wednesdays 10.30am and Thursdays 7.30pm Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 10.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

Senior Circuits
Great improvements in fitness everyone. Denise thanks for telling us that it made such a difference to your trip to New York and your mobility.

Mondays 50+ Circuits 9.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB
Wednesdays 60+ and Starter Circuits 11.30am Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE

The new track we are using from Keisza and The Ricky Martin track I really love this track.
Wednesdays 9.30am and  Thursdays 6.30pm  Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 9.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

Fitness 55+
These classes are so much fun. Thanks everyone! Our Bollywood track with a lot of our moves  –
Mondays 11.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB and Fridays 11.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH



Christmas holidays

Hi everyone,

Have you all got your strategies in place for avoiding the Christmas time excesses? One of my class members was going for a Christmas meal 4 days out of 7 last week. Her strategy was not to order pudding. You could be the driver so you can avoid the alcohol. Don’t over buy – you know that if the guests don’t eat the mince pies you will feel it’s your duty to eat up the left overs.

A quick summary of what is going on in the next few weeks:

Last week of classes
Classes finish on Friday 12th of December this week.

Start date 5th of January.
The timetable begins again on Monday 5th of January.

Thursday night classes night out- 11th December
We are replacing classes with getting together at the Railway Pub in Leyland at 7pm. We’ve not done that before so really looking forward to talking to everyone.

Christmas meal for daytime classes
We are at Wellington Park at 12 noon on Monday 15th of December. All welcome – just sign up in class and pay your £10 and you are booked in. So far there are 55 people coming!

Classes between Christmas and New Year- all at Wellington Park, Leyland PR25 3AB
Monday 29th December
9.30am 50+ Circuits
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Fitness 55+

6.30pm Zumba
7.30pm Pilates.

Walk in the Park Sunday 28th December 9.30am- Worden Park
Meet in the car park at Worden Park

If I don’t see you this week have a great Christmas everyone.
