Raring to go and what’s on in January

It is fantastic to be back and seeing everyone raring to go. A break from classes is really useful because it reminds us what we feel like if we don’t exercise. Humans are designed to move and be active!

New Pilates class- Monday afternoons.
A new Pilates class is starting on Monday 16th January at 2pm at Prospect House, 45 Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE. I have had a few requests for this Monday afternoon class. And if anyone can’t come on Monday morning there is now an afternoon option.

Normal timetable except for Friday afternoon Friday 13th January.
There are no Friday afternoon classes on Friday 13th January. Morning classes in Euxton are on as normal. Friday afternoon back to normal next week.

What is on?
If you are thinking of coming to a new class there are places in the following classes:
Monday mornings at Leyland Methodist Church Hall, Turpin Green Lane Leyland PR25 3HA
9.30am 50+ Circuits
11.30am Fitness 55+
Monday afternoons at Prospect House 45 Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
1.15pm Chair Based
2pm Pilates

Wednesday mornings at Prospect House 45 Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
9.30am Zumba with Donna
11.30 60+ Circuits

Thursday at Prospect House 45 Sandy Lane Leyland PR25 2EE
7.30pm Pilates

Friday morning at Euxton Community Centre Wigan Road Euxton PR7 6JL
9.30am Zumba with Donna
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Fitness 55+
Friday afternoons St Andrews Church Hall Worden Lane Leyland PR25 3EL
1.30pm Fitness 55+
2.15pm 50+ Circuits

Dog Walker
The lovely Helen Noblett has started a dog walking service- she can be contacted on 07709129246 or https://www.facebook.com/helensdogwalkingandpetserivce/

Living with Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis
To get the diagnosis of MS is very frightening but also a relief because usually you have known for sometime that something is wrong. Symptoms vary from person to person.  My last relapse gave me left sided weakness. I have recovered 90% strength and coordination. I have to be very careful on stairs as I easily fall through balance issues and foot drop where I catch my left heel. Typing is getting better as I am regaining more coordination in my left hand. I will take a walking stick if I am walking a distance or on uneven ground. Extreme fatigue and brain fog are my other  symptoms. This is soul destroying if you are used to being active and using your mind.
Pilates is extremely good for my condition for balance and core strength. All classes are brilliant because of you the wonderful class members who make me feel so much better with your humour, chats and encouragement. Thank you.

Lots of love to you all

