Indoor classes starting!

Yes we are back live and indoors next week! We have our Tuesday evenings with Zumba and Pilates at Leyland Methodist Church Hall and Wednesday and Friday mornings with Zumba and Pilates.
Our Nordic Walking Wellbeing is starting again too on Thursday 27 May 4pm.

I will slowly start building up our programme again. Chairfit and Seated Pilates will start again when we can use the chairs and Standing Pilates will be back when we can use the Barre (All to do with disinfecting.) Then Monday mornings at the Methodist and Monday 6.30pm Buckshaw Nordic Walking will come back after the Bank Holiday. Chorley Zumba Gold will be back after half-term but in a new venue which is bigger with a sprung floor. Thursday evening 7.30pm Pilates will start on the 10 June. Slowly but surely.

Nordic Walking Wellbeing Thursdays starts again 27 May 4pm Worden Park
A gentle class at a slower pace over a shorter route. Meeting on the carpark off Worden Lane.

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other  
Videos on Youtube 
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube 

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Tuesday 25 May
10am Nordic Walking Leyland Tesco’s Extra Carpark start
6.30pm Zumba Leyland Methodist Church Hall
7.30pm Pilates Leyland Methodist Church Hall

Wednesday 26 May
9.30am Zumba Prospect House Sandy Lane
10.30am Pilates Prospect House Sandy Lane
3.30pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley Berkeley Drive Carpark start

Thursday 27 May
4pm Nordic Walking Wellbeing  Worden Park carpark start.
6.30pm Nordic Walking Leyland Tesco’s Extra Carpark start
8pm Pilates Zoom

Friday 28 May
9.30am Zumba Prospect House Sandy Lane
10.30am Pilates Prospect House Sandy Lane
11.30am Zumba Gold Prospect House Sandy Lane

Saturday 29 May
9am Nordic Walking Leyland Paradise Lane start

Love from

Week beginning 17 May


I hope you are doing well. My plan is to start Monday indoor classes and Monday Nordic Walking after the Bank Holiday now. Too confusing to start and stop. I am planning to start Tuesday nights on 25 May at Leyland Methodist church with Zumba and Pilates and Wednesday mornings on  26 May with Zumba and Pilates. 
It also gives me more time to recover from the bad cold Eleni brought home from school. Sorry about the cancellations last week – I felt pretty rough.

Nordic Walking – Wednesday Cuerden Valley group 19 May 3.30pm start
Introducing some hills back into our walks by starting the Cuerden Valley walk again. We are looking forward to getting back to walking in this gorgeous place. Cuerden Valley Park – Explore.Discover.Relax

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other  
Videos on Youtube 
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube 

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Tuesday 18 May
10am Nordic Walking Leyland Tesco’s Extra Carpark start

Wednesday 19 May
3.30pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley Berkeley Drive Carpark start

Thursday 20 May 
6.30pm Nordic Walking Leyland Tesco’s Extra Carpark start
8pm Pilates Zoom

Friday 21 May
9am Zumba Zoom
10am Pilates Zoom

Saturday 22 May
9am Nordic Walking Leyland Paradise Lane start



Week Beginning 10 May

If all goes well with the Prime Minister’s announcement tomorrow we can start to return to indoor classes from May 17 on wards. It will take me a few weeks to build up the full timetable again so it will be a bit of a transition time. I still can’t believe how long it has been since we had a ‘normal’ life! Unfortunately the forecast is rain every day next week so I haven’t planned any outdoor Zumba classes.

Nordic Walking – Wednesday Cuerden Valley group 12 May 3.30pm start
Introducing some hills back into our walks by starting the Cuerden Valley walk again. We are looking forward to getting back to walking in this gorgeous place. Cuerden Valley Park – Explore.Discover.Relax

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other  
Videos on Youtube 
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube 

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Tuesday 11 May
10am Nordic Walking Leyland Tesco’s Extra Carpark start

Wednesday 12 May
3.30pm Nordic Walking Cuerden Valley Berkeley Drive Carpark start

Thursday 13 May 
6.30pm Nordic Walking Leyland Tesco’s Extra Carpark start
8pm Pilates Zoom

Friday 14 May
9am Zumba Zoom
10am Pilates Zoom

Saturday 15 May
9am Nordic Walking Leyland Paradise Lane start

Happy new month of May!


Happy new month of May! Hopefully we will be one step further forward to normality with the start of indoor group exercise from mid-May. I will keep you posted with dates, times and venues. Most of my time will be spent planning our indoor classes over the next few weeks now I have finished the Census work.

The weather forecast is very mixed next week so I am not going to risk outdoor Zumba classes so it is back on Zoom on Wednesday 5 May with 9am Zumba 10am Pilates.

Nordic Walking – Tuesday group 4 May start 10am.
The Tuesday Nordic Walking group will starting from 4 May at 10am

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube 
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube 

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Tuesday 4 May
10am Nordic Walking Leyland Tesco’s Extra Carpark

Wednesday 5 May
9am Zumba Zoom
10am Pilates Zoom

Thursday 6 May 
6.30pm Nordic Walking Leyland Tesco’s Extra Carpark
8pm Pilates Zoom

Saturday 8 May
9am Nordic Walking Paradise Lane

Week beginning 26 April


Well it is my last week of wearing my gorgeous hi-viz vest as a Census Officer then it is full speed ahead planning for  re-opening in our community venues in the middle of May.

Outdoor Zumba Wednesday 28 April – Fox Lane Cricket Club – 9.30am
Fox Lane Cricket Club have very kindly offered their pitch for our Zumba class. Plenty of parking and a beautiful space.

Nordic Walking – Tuesday group 4 May start 10am.
We have been enjoying our Nordic Walks in this beautiful weather. The Tuesday Nordic Walking group will starting from 4 May at 10am

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube – new dances
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube 

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Wednesday 28 April
9.30am Zumba Fox Lane Cricket Club

Thursday 29 April 
6.30pm Nordic Walking Tesco’s Extra Carpark
8pm Pilates Zoom

Saturday 1 May
9am Nordic Walking Paradise Lane

love from Diane


Week beginning 19 April


Well I have just a couple of weeks left of being a Census Officer. It has been an interesting experience and luckily the weather has been beautiful for being out and about in Leyland. I am starting to plan for our venues being opened up again for face to face classes in the middle of May. Really looking forward to seeing everyone again. The timetable is a bit reduced next week as it would have been my son Yianni’s 30th birthday on Monday 19 April and I need a bit of time to deal with the heartbreak of that. 

Wednesday 21 April – outdoor Zumba 9.30am Worden Park
We will have another outdoor Zumba class – meeting on the grass tennis court near the formal gardens (near the Arts and Crafts Centre). The weather forecast is good for Wednesday. If you plan to go for coffee afterwards park on Tesco’s car park as there is a 90 minute limit on the Worden Park car park. This will always be weather dependent and planned week by week. 

Nordic Walking 
We are enjoying our Nordic Walks in what as been gorgeous weather.
Please note the change of start point for Thursday evening group to Tesco’s Extra carpark – the carpark on Worden Park is too busy in the evening at the moment.

You can book through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden. I will try to bring back other NW groups as soon as possible.

Borrowed Poles – please return
If I lent you poles during lock down please return them by putting them in my porch at 11, Cedarwood Drive, Leyland PR251HN as I will need them for training sessions. Thank you.

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube – new dances
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube 

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Wednesday 21 April
9.30am Zumba Worden Park – grass tennis court

Thursday 22 April 
6.30pm Nordic Walking Tesco’s Extra Carpark
8pm Pilates Zoom

Saturday 24 April
9am Nordic Walking Paradise Lane

Love from