Tuesday night Pilates is back at Academy @ Worden

Tuesday Night Pilates is back at Academy @ Worden 7.30pm
Delighted to announce that this class is back. Beautiful restorative Mind and Body class for strength, flexibility, balance and relaxation
Starts Tuesday 21 March

New Seated Pilates 1.30pm St Ambrose Church Hall, Moss Lane, Leyland PR25 4XA
Over the years I have seen the need for a Seated Pilates class. For some people getting up and down of the floor is uncomfortable or they feel nauseous exercising on the floor.  My awareness of the need for this class has grown with dealing with my symptoms of MS which affect my balance amongst other things!

New Wednesday afternoon Pilates 2.15pm St Ambrose Church Hall, Leyland PR25 4XA
Our Wednesday morning class is currently full so a Wednesday afternoon has started. It is at 2.15pm
St Ambrose Church Hall Moss Lane Leyland PR254XA.

Squatting – why it is important
We do squats in all my classes – the reason being this is a very, very functional exercise. This means the stronger our squatting action is the more likely we are to be able to get up and down off a chair! When I ask people to squat in class all sorts of strange things happen but basically a squat is a sitting down action. In cultures where people squat more as part of daily life there are little or no lumber back problems. In our part of the world we have so many people suffering from back pain. I know that when I had a desk based job I was frequently going to the physio to try to resolve my back pain problems. Here is a clip from Cherry Baker again explaining a correct squat action. Squatting is also good for the pelvic floor.



See you all next week
