Walk and Talk on Worden Park

Walk and Talk on Worden
The next Walk and Talk is at 2pm on Tuesday 31 January. Meet by the Dog Wash on the main carpark. We will walk through the woods in the gorgeous Worden Park then go for a coffee after in the Folly café on the park. Bring friends or dogs (the café is doggy friendly).

Being a fitness instructor involves continuous study- something I love. Of course you don’t have to once you have your basic qualifications but for me it makes my job extra interesting. Of course last year was difficult to even concentrate enough to learn but I am slowly starting to feel ready and I am starting off gently with Mindfulness for Health Professionals which involves daily relaxation practice something I am really enjoying. I am also studying the Brainfit TM course which is movement and meditation bringing  me some refreshing approaches. There is more and more scientific evidence emerging on the benefits of this kind of relaxation.
Here is one of the relaxation practices for you find yourself a quiet place – it takes about 8 minutes.

There are currently places in the following classes:
@Leyland Methodist Church Hall Turpin Green Lane PR25 3HA
9.30am 50+ Circuits
11.30am Fitness 55+
@Prospect House Sandy Lane PR252EE
1.15pm Chair Based Fitness
2pm Pilates

@Prospect House Sandy Lane PR252EE
9.30am Zumba with Donna and Diane

@Prospect House Sandy Lane PR252EE
7.30pm Pilates

@Euxton PC Community Centre Wigan Road PR76JL
9.30am Zumba
11.30am Fitness 55+
@St Andrews Church Hall Worden Lane PR253EL
1.30pm Fitness 55+
2.15pm 50+ Circuits

Have  a good week everyone