Week beginning 8 January

Our full timetable is back. It was great to see everyone last week when we started on Wednesday.  A break always makes me realise how good the classes make us feel physically and mentally when we come back. It is amazing how quickly we can start to feel stiff and inflexible. In every class, we have flexibility exercises whether it is Zumba, Pilates, or Chair based. Here are some reasons why:
6 tips for improving and maintaining flexibility as we age – Rest Less

Sad news
Sadly one of our lovely class members passed away over Christmas. Eve Marsden who came to Seated Pilates and Chairfit died on 28 December after a short illness. Her beautiful smile will be much missed.

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
Christine T. is still collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them to her. RNIB – See differently   Thank you Christine for doing this and thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!

All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 8 January
9.30am Move It Mondays                Prospect House Sandy Lane
10.30am Pilates                                Prospect House Sandy Lane
11.30am Zumba Gold                        Prospect House Sandy Lane
12.30pm Seated Pilates                     Prospect House Sandy Lane

Tuesday 9 January     
1.30pm Zumba Gold              Primrose Gardens Fleet Street Chorley

Wednesday 10 January
9.30am Zumba             Prospect House Sandy Lane
10.30am Pilates           Prospect House Sandy Lane
11.30am Chairfit           Prospect House Sandy Lane
Thursday 11 January
11.15am Chairfit            St.Mary’s Community Centre
6.30pm Zumba              Prospect House Sandy Lane
7.30pm Pilates          Prospect House Sandy Lane

Friday 12 January
9.30am Zumba                Prospect House Sandy Lane
10.30am Pilates               Prospect House Sandy Lane
11.30am Zumba Gold       Prospect House Sandy Lane
12.25pm Standing Pilates  Prospect House Sandy Lane
