Week beginning 13 January and improving your balance

Well, the icy weather last week had an impact on people’s endeavours to get back to class. Please don’t worry if you didn’t come, it is better to be safe.
Even Nordic Walking was a bit too Nordic!

Balance and how to improve it
This is something we work on in every class including chair-based. It is so important to practice this to have a good balance as we get older.
Here is a useful video with plenty of ideas: How to Improve Your Balance

New Videos on Youtube
Zumba with Diane Oakden – Seaside by Sofia Reyes
Zumba with Diane Oakden- Danza Kuduro (f. Dom Omar) Lucenzo

Chairfit with Diane Oakden-Seaside by Sofia Reyes

Lancashire Evening Post coming to class
A photographer is coming to our Chairfit class on Thursday to take our photograph. She is interested in what we are doing to keep fit and healthy. Please let me know if you don’t wish to be in the photos.

Class member raising funds for Mind
One of our lovely class members Lynn is raising funds for the mental health charity Mind. Here is more information if you want to support her:
Lynn’s Move for Mind Challenge is taking part in Move for Mind

Wool for Bereavement Team
Our class member Janine is busy making blankets for the Bereavement Team to give to patients at the end of their life for comfort. If you have any bits of wool you would like to donate please bring them into class and I will forward on to her


Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 13 January -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates6.30pm 

 Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 14 January
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre 
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 15 January- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 16 January
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates- 

Friday 17 January-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Saturday 18 January
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!




Week beginning 6 January and Happy New Year!

Hello, and Happy New Year!
I am really looking forward to seeing everyone in class next week. I have bumped into a couple of people over the last few days and they have said they are looking forward to getting back into their exercise routine and eating normally again!

Christmas Raffle and donations for the local MS Society- total raised £380
A big thank you to everyone we raised £380!
Thank you to the two Lynnes and Debbie for your hard work making the beautiful prizes.

Christmas lunches
It was great to see over 80 people at our 2 lunches this year!

Inflammation – what is it and how to reduce it
Inflammation has been mentioned quite a bit recently in the media. I found a couple of articles briefly explaining what it is and ways to reduce it. Reviewing your diet, exercising regularly, reducing stress and getting outdoors all help.

5 natural ways to reduce inflammation

9 Ways to Reduce Inflammation, According to Doctors | livestrong

Wool for Bereavement Team
One of our class members is busy making blankets for the Bereavement Team to give to patients at the end of their life for comfort. If you have any bits of wool you would like to donate please bring it into class and I will forward on to her.

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 6 January -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates

6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 7 January
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre 
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 8 January- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 9 January
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-     

Friday 10 January-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Saturday 11 January
10 am Nordic Walking meet on Paradise Lane Leyland

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!


Week beginning 9 December and have a Happy Christmas.

We are coming to the last week of Do Fitness classes of 2024. If I don’t see you in the coming week or at the lunches have a wonderful Christmas and thank you for your support in 2024!

Christmas Holidays
The last Do Fitness classes are on Friday 13 December starting again on Monday 6 January.

Christmas lunches  
Chorley Tuesday 17 December 1.15pm 
We will be at Bees Kitchen at Primrose Gardens again.

Leyland Wednesday 18 December 12 noon
This year’s Leyland Christmas lunch is a buffet at Fox Lane Cricket Club where we have the whole function room to ourselves. 

Christmas Raffle for the local MS Society
Three of our class members have been busy making beautiful blankets and scarves as prizes for our Christmas raffle plus I am adding class vouchers. Raffle tickets £1 each and winners will be picked out at the Christmas lunch. Thank you to the two Lynnes and Debbie for your hard work making the prizes.

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 9 December -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates

6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 10 December
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre (full with a waiting list)
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 11 December- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 12 December
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-     

Friday 13 December-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Finish for Christmas start again 6 January 2025

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!


Week beginning 2 December

We are getting geared up for Christmas and I know it can be a busy time for people! A few people have been asking me about balance exercises in class. We do balance work in Pilates and chair-based classes (when we stand up) and even some in Zumba but if you don’t have much time to come to class remember it only takes a few minutes a day to improve your balance. You can stand on one leg while cleaning your teeth or do leg swings while waiting for the kettle to boil. 
Here are some additional ideas:

9-Minute Best Balance Exercises! Practice Everyday To Improve Balance

Christmas Holiday Dates
The last Do Fitness classes are on Friday 13 December starting again on Monday 6 January.

Christmas lunches  
Chorley Tuesday 17 December 1.15pm *time change
We will be at Bees Kitchen at Primrose Gardens again. Cost £17.50

Leyland Wednesday 18 December 12 noon
This year’s Leyland Christmas lunch is a buffet at Fox Lane Cricket Club where we have the whole function room to ourselves. Cost £15

Christmas Raffle for the local MS Society
Three of our class members have been busy making beautiful blankets and scarves as prizes for our Christmas raffle plus I am adding class vouchers. Raffle tickets £1 each and winners will be picked out at the Christmas lunch. Thank you to the two Lynnes and Debbie for your hard work making the prizes.

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 2 December -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates

6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 3 December
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre (full with a waiting list)
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 4 December- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday 5 December
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-     

Friday 6 December-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

Saturday 7
10am Nordic Walking meet Paradise Lane* start location 

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!

Have a good week.

Week beginning 25 November

We all know that getting out in the fresh air is good for us but it is harder to get out and about in the rainy weather especially with the storms like Bert yesterday. Put your waterproofs on and get out in that fresh air for all the benefits and you might feel more energised.
Why Is Breathing Fresh Air Important? 5 Main Reasons Clean Air Is Good For Your Health

Health Benefits of Walking in the Rain

Christmas Holiday Dates
Last Do Fitness classes on Friday 13 December starting again on Monday 6 January.

Christmas lunches  
Chorley Tuesday 17 December 1.15pm *time change
We will be at Bees Kitchen at Primrose Gardens again. Cost £17.50

Leyland Wednesday 18 December 12 noon
This year’s Leyland Christmas lunch is a buffet at Fox Lane Cricket Club where we have the whole function room to ourselves. Cost £15

I have started collecting money from those who wish to come. Please feel free to invite friends too who are not class members.

Christmas Raffle for the local MS Society
Two of our class members have been busy making a beautiful blanket and scarves as prizes for our Christmas raffle plus I am adding class vouchers. Raffle tickets £1 each and winners will be picked out at the Christmas lunch. Thank you to the two Lynnes for your hard work making the prizes.

Message from Chorley Women’s Centre
Would you like to volunteer for us? Could you offer a couple of hours per week to help women help themselves? We are on the lookout for caring and committed volunteers to join our team! Full training and support will be given! All volunteers are trained in supportive listening skills and can provide information on many topics.  

For more details Email chorleywomenscentre@outlook.com, call 01257 265342 or pop down and ask one of the volunteers! 

Chorley Women’s Centre In Store

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 25 November -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates

6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 26 November
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre (full with a waiting list)
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 27 November- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday  28 November
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-     

Friday 29 November-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

4.45pm Chairfit and Chill Primrose Gardens Chorley

Saturday 30 November
10am Nordic Walking meet Worden Park main carpark* start location change

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!

Have a good week.

Week beginning 18 November

We are hurtling towards Christmas! It always takes me by surprise even though it comes at the same time every year. 

Christmas Holiday Dates
Last Do Fitness classes on Friday 13 December starting again on Monday 6 January.

Christmas lunches  
Chorley Tuesday 17 December 1.15pm *time change
We will be at Bees Kitchen at Primrose Gardens again. Cost £17.50

Leyland Wednesday 18 December 12 noon
This year’s Leyland Christmas lunch is a buffet at Fox Lane Cricket Club where we have the whole function room to ourselves. Cost £15

I have started collecting money from those who wish to come. Please feel free to invite friends too who are not class members.

Saturday morning Nordic Walking new start point change to Worden Park
From Saturday 23 starting from Worden Park.

New chair-based class has started at Primrose Gardens in Chorley Fridays 4.45pm
This class is great if, for example, you have arthritis in your knees or hips, you are waiting for or recovering from hip or knee replacements, if you have mobility issues from eg Parkinson’s or MS or you generally want to get stronger and improve your cardiovascular fitness, balance, confidence and coordination.
We have a chair-based class every weekday now!
Mondays 12.30pm Seated Pilates      Prospect House Leyland
Tuesdays 11.15am Chairfit                 Euxton Community Centre
Wednesdays 11.30am Chairfit            Prospect House Leyland
Thursdays 11.15am Chairfit                St Mary’s Community Centre Leyland
Fridays 4.45pm Chairfit and Chill        Primrose Gardens Chorley 

Message from Chorley Women’s Centre
Would you like to volunteer for us? Could you offer a couple of hours per week to help women help themselves? We are on the lookout for caring and committed volunteers to join our team! Full training and support will be given! All volunteers are trained in supportive listening skills and can provide information on many topics.  For more details Email chorleywomenscentre@outlook.com, call 01257 265342 or pop down and ask one of the volunteers! 

Timetable and booking
All classes can be booked through Gymcatch onBook a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday 18 November -Prospect House
9.30am Move-It Mondays
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold
12.30pm Seated Pilates

6.30pm   Nordic Walking meet Tescos Extra Buckshaw

Tuesday 19 November
10am  Forever Fit Euxton Community Centre (full with a waiting list)
11.15am Chairfit Euxton Community Centre
1.30pm Zumba Gold Primrose Gardens

Wednesday 20 November- Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30 am Pilates
11.30am Chairfit

Thursday  21 November
11.15 am Chairfit- St Mary’s Community Centre 

6.30pm Zumba-    Prospect House
7.30pm Pilates-     

Friday 22 November-Prospect House
9.30am Zumba
10.30am Pilates
11.30am Zumba Gold

4.45pm Chairfit and Chill Primrose Gardens Chorley

Saturday 23 November
10am Nordic Walking meet Worden Park main carpark* start location change

Private Facebook group for Do Fitness class members
If you are a Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  
Do Fitness videos
This is the link to all the videos you can use any time Do Fitness Videos – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden and you can make your own playlist of your favourites.
We are collecting used stamps for RNIB to help raise funds for people who are affected by sight loss. If you bring them into class I will forward them on. RNIB – See differently   Thank you for everyone who has brought stamps into class!

Have a good week.