Zoom classes next week and Memory Walk by class member


Warmer temperatures and spring flowers popping up has made my walks this week a real pleasure and of course bumping into some of you!
The coming week we are only having Zoom classes on Thursday evening. As the vaccination centre I work at is only open a couple of days a week until they get more supplies I will be working as a Census 21 Officer to make up my hours. So you might see me out and about in a flourescent waistcoat. I have Census training  next week so that is the reason we only have Thursday evening classes. I didn’t realise the modern census in the UK had been going since 1801 and is often included in ancestory programmes. Census history – Office for National Statistics (ons.gov.uk) . You might have received a leaflet  through the door entitled ‘The Census is Coming’ with information about your Census pack. For information go to  Census 2021 . 

Class member doing Memory Walk
Our lovely Zumba Gold class member Tony Holt is going to do this to raise money for the Alzheimer’s Society. Alzheimer’s has really affected his family as it does many families. Here is a message from Tony:

Hi. I’m fundraising for Alzheimer’s Society. It’s a charity that means a lot to me – my JustGiving page tells you what I’m doing and why. Please donate if you can! https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/mw577591  I’m primarily walking for my son-in-law; he started with Alzheimer’s at age 55, he’s now 63, unable to talk, and has great difficulty walking. His wife (my step-daughter) has suffered for years with MS. They live alone, and she has to cope with everything.

Zoom classes week beginning Monday 1 March
There will only be classes on Thursday 4 March in the evening.
Please see timetable at the bottom of the page. 

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube – new dances
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube 
You can make your own play list so you don’t have to scroll through all the videos.

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden
Thursday 4 March
6.30pm Zumba
7.30pm Pilates

Love from

Sunshine and spring flowers on my walk yesterday

Zoom classes week beginning 22 February, vaccinations and Ruby Wax.

More than 17 million people in the UK have had at least one dose of the Covid 19 vaccine. The vaccination programme is going really well in the UK especially here in the north of England. I have even booked some of you in at Preston Grasshoppers although you might not have recognised me at first behind my mask! Boris Johnson is expected to lay out plans for the easing of lockdown tomorrow Monday 22 February. Looking at press reports there is cautious optimism in the air that things might start to become less restricted by April – but we have been here before so we shall see.

Relaxation, Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor
Due to having more time during lockdown I have now qualified as a Relaxation, Meditation and Mindfulness Instructor. This is something I have wanted to do for many years as I use relaxarion exercises and mindfulness to help me with my type of MS and the trauma of losing my son Yianni. As a treat for myself I am also doing a 6 week course with Ruby Wax on MIndfulness (along with a few hundred other people). Ruby has a masters’s degree from Oxford in mindfulness based cognitive therapy. She has found mindfulness has really helped her and she is certainly entertaining! I think we have all experienced pressures on our mental wellbeing over the last 12 months and found ways to keep ourselves as well as possible. Exercise really is one key to keeping well for most of us! 

Collecting your used stamps to raise money for the RNIB
Thanks again for this week’s stamps – Lesley K., O’pen Office, Janet G., Brenda M and others. Christine from Zumba will prepare and send the stamps off to the RNIB to raise much needed funds to support their work. You can send the stamps to me at 11, Cedarwood Drive Leyland PR25 1HN and I will forward them to Christine. 

Zoom classes week beginning 22 February
Please see timetable at the bottom of the page. 

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube – new dances
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube 
You can make your own play list so you don’t have to scroll through all the videos.

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday  22 February
9.30am Move It Mondays Zoom
10.30am Zumba Zoom

Wednesday 24 February
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Thursday 25 February
6.30pm Zumba
7.30pm Pilates

Friday 26 February
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Love from

Zoom classes week beginning 15 February


More than 14 million people in the UK have had at least one dose of the Covid 19 vaccine – part of the biggest vaccination programme the country has ever launched. Great news and positive progress and many of you have already had the vaccination.
As I have been on my walks I have loved the fact that I have bumped into my class members. Many of you have said you can’t wait for us to be able to come back to face to face classes which is lovely to hear and I can’t wait either! Below is a picture of how it used to be.

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Thanks for the people who are joining me on Zoom. It is easy to use once you get used to it and the Zoom classes are starting to feel more sociable. Sometimes things do go wrong as this American lawyer found when there was a cat filter on his Zoom by accident. 
(86) Filter turns lawyer into cat during Zoom hearing – YouTube

or remember to put your pants on
(86) 2020’s Most Embarrassing Zoom Moments – YouTube

Collecting your used stamps to raise money for the RNIB
Thanks again for this weeks stamps – Christine M., Shirley, Susan M., Catherine H., Jacoba, and more. Christine from Zumba will prepare and send the stamps off to the RNIB to raise much needed funds to support their work. You can send the stamps to me at 11, Cedarwood Drive Leyland PR25 1HN and I will forward them to Christine. 

Zoom classes week beginning 15 February
Please see timetable at the bottom of the page. Our evening Zumba and Pilates has moved to Thursdays.

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube – new dances
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube
You can make your own play list so you don’t have to scroll through all the videos.

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday  15 February
9.30am Move It Mondays Zoom
10.30am Zumba Zoom

Wednesday 17 February
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Thursday 18 February
6.30pm Zumba
7.30pm Pilates

Friday 19 February
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Love from

Zoom classes from Monday 8 February and vaccinations


The vaccination programme seems to be going really well especially in the North of England. More than 10 million people in the UK have had at least one dose of the corona virus vaccine. Good news for us all. I had mine on Friday as I am working at the Vaccination Centre I need protection.  I felt a bit ‘fluey’ yesterday but feel much better today. Let us hope it is on wards and upwards now for us all! 

I have been doing some more Chair Based training organised by the Community Fitness Network. It also included an amazing workshop on Dementia as it anticipated we would be coming across this if we take our classes into Care Homes or Assisted Living. I learned so much that I didn’t’t know about Dementia. I have seen the impact on class members whose parents or partners have been suffering from this horrible disease. 

Collecting your used stamps to raise money for the RNIB
Thank you again! I received so many this week.Thanks Kathleen, Lesley, Eileen, Lynda J. Lesley U., Nikki, Eileen C. and many others. I love getting the notes and messages you send too. Our class member Christine (Zumba) will prepare and send the stamps off to the RNIB to raise much needed funds to support their work. You can send the stamps to me at 11, Cedarwood Drive Leyland PR25 1HN and I will forward them to Christine. 
So many stamps this week – even a carrier bag full!

Classes week beginning 8 February
Please see timetable at the bottom of the page. Our evening Zumba and Pilates has moved to Thursdays.

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube – new dances
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube
You can make your own play list so you don’t have to scroll through all the videos.

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday  8 February
9.30am Move It Mondays Zoom
10.30am Zumba Zoom

Wednesday 10 February
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Thursday 11 February
6.30pm Zumba
7.30pm Pilates

Friday 12 February
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Love from

Sunshine and snowdrops

Classes week beginning 1 February and stamps for RNIB

I hope you are all well. I am going to be working at the Covid Vaccination Centre in Preston but I have been able to keep Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings free for classes. Tuesday night classes will move to Thursday so I can fit in my shifts. It will be strange to be with people who are not from my household! It feels like a really positive thing to be involved with to help us move forward and into a more normal situation where children can go to school and we can meet up and people will not be living fearfully anymore.

Collecting your used stamps to raise money for the RNIB
Thank you! You  have already sent me so many – it’s amazing. Thanks Judy, Jane, Alex, Shirley, Ann, Margaret and many others.
Our class member Christine (Zumba) will prepare and send the stamps off to the RNIB to raise much needed funds to support their work. You can send the stamps to me at 11, Cedarwood Drive Leyland PR25 1HN and I will forward them to Christine. Thanks Christine for doing this!

Classes week beginning 1 February
Please see timetable at the bottom of the page. Our evening Zumba and Pilates has moved to Thursdays.

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube
You can make your own play list so you don’t have to scroll through all the videos.

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday  1 February
9.30am Move It Mondays Zoom
10.30am Zumba Zoom

Wednesday 3 February
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Thursday 4 February
6.30pm Zumba
7.30pm Pilates

Friday 5 February
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Love from

Classes week beginning 25 January and stamps

I feel like Spring is in the air. I noticed the sounds of the birds are changing when I went for a walk on Worden Park today and spring bulbs are starting to grow. 
Optimism is in the air. Plus I have heard really good things about the vaccination programme that is happening at Jubilee House in Leyland from some of my class members. Great news!

Collect your used Stamps to raise money for the RNIB
Our class member Christine (Zumba) will prepare and send the stamps off to the RNIB to raise much needed funds to support their work. You can send the stamps to me at 11, Cedarwood Drive Leyland PR25 1HN and I will forward them to Christine. Thanks Christine for doing this!

Classes week beginning 25 January
Please see timetable at the bottom of the page. We have added an evening Zumba and Pilates on Tuesday evenings for those working during the day.

The Do Fitness Private Facebook Group If you are Facebook user please join our private group so we can keep in touch with each other www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949  Please feel free to add photos from some of your socially distanced  walks when you are out and about.

Videos on Youtube
Please feel free to access our Do Fitness video channel  (18) Do Fitness – YouTube
You can make your own play list so you don’t have to scroll through all the videos.

Timetable – all classes can be booked through Gymcatch on Book a class – Do Fitness with Diane Oakden

Monday  25 January
9.30am Move It Mondays Zoom
10.30am Zumba Zoom

Tuesday 26January
6.30pm Zumba
7.30pm Pilates

Wednesday 27 January
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Friday 29 January
9.30am Zumba Zoom
10.30am Pilates Zoom

Love from