8 April Keeping in Touch- Lost without you

Hello everyone,

 How are you all doing? I have to confess to feeling quite lost without the regular contact of my class members and the fitness and mood lift the classes provide. However,  I have enjoyed Zumba dancing with my daughter Eleni for our videos. We will keep doing them for you.

Zoom session
We will do a Zoom Zumba Gold session tomorrow Thursday 9 April at 1.30pm. The meeting ID and Password will have come out to you in an email (if you have or subscribed to newsletter or in the private Facebook group). It helps to make sure no one else or thing like Alexa is using your broadband at the time (advice from  my IT guy). Come and join me tomorrow for a bit of a get together. I will mute everyone once we are all logged in as this gives better music quality. I will send an email reminder out in the morning plus a message with the codes on our private Face book page.

Our videos
The videos we have made since the last email for those who do not use Facebook are now on YouTube starting from: .
10 minute safe workout for seniors

You can see all of them on my new YouTube channel!  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber
It also includes a Relaxation video which I have been meaning to do for a long time and lots more popular Zumba tracks.

For those of you who haven’t already done so please join our private Do Fitness Facebook page so we can keep in touch and message each other and to get codes. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/

Lots of love to everyone. Miss you. Stay well. 


2 April Keeping in Touch

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well. Thanks for all the lovely emails I have received. I will try to get back to you all.     

We have all been learning a new vocabulary and new concepts. I had never heard the word furlough,  for example, before. A lot of adjustment has been going on which sometimes has been very difficult and worrying.  I have stopped listening to the news all the time as it was making me more and more anxious. Stress doesn’t help me manage my MS well and I had a couple of falls which I haven’t had for a while!

Some of you have been telling me about what you have been doing to keep fit and there are some great ideas! It is about finding things that suit you and you enjoy and then getting into a routine with it. I find if I don’t get out once a day for some sort of outdoor  exercise my mood starts  to sink dramatically. I have got my bike out of the shed and have been really enjoying discovering paths and bridleways round Leyland that I had no idea existed!

Zoom classes are coming soon. In the meantime here is  a YouTube Guide on how to use Zoom for the very first time.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9isp3qPeQ0E When I have my classes scheduled you will receive an invitation. Only chose to join classes you are interested in or are appropriate for you.

I have been  posting a few video clips on Facebook but  for people who don’t use Facebook below are the latest ones. You can see all of them on my new YouTube channel!  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

A few Zumba dances:

Marry Me – Yemi Alade

Go Crazy – Leslie Odom

Jump Jive and Wail – Brian Setzer Orchestra

How I Feel – Flo Rida

Safe Exercising – on-line videos
Just a few safe exercising tips if you have  using online videos. Sometimes famous presenters haven’t really done the right kind of training to say a workout is suitable for eg Seniors. Never do anything you are not comfortable or feel safe with.

Seated exercise to Reste – (feat. Sting) Maitre Gims

For those of you who haven’t already done it I have set up a private Do Fitness Facebook page so we can keep in touch and message each other. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/

Lots of love to everyone. Stay well. 


Keeping in touch

Hello everyone,

It has been a time of adjustment for all of us. I hope you are all well and have found ways to keep yourselves as comfortable  as possible. It has been a steep learning curve for me to try to get things on-line and I hope to have a few Zoom classes soon.
The Zoom app is very useful not just for on-line classes but for bringing families and friends together. We had a family ‘meeting’ yesterday with my nephew in Leeds and my brother and sister- in -law in Arnside.

I have been going on my ‘exercise walk’ each morning and taking time to really notice what is around us in nature and it was very calming: Beautiful time of year and good to get out in the spring sun.

I have been  posting a few video clips on Facebook but  for people who don’t use Facebook here are some of the videos:

A few Zumba dances:
Do the Cha Cha Cha

Shakira – Hips Don’t Lie

I Like How It Feels – Enrique Iglesias

A few ideas for home workouts

A chair based version of the Sun is Up

For those of you who haven’t already done it I have set up a private Do Fitness Facebook page so we can keep in touch and message each other. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/

Lots of love to everyone .


All classes are cancelled until further notice – please join private Facebook page

Dear lovely Do Fitness class members,

We did our last Nordic Walking session yesterday but I paired people up and asked them to walk 2 metres apart and sent them off by themselves in pairs rather than a large group and that was it our last class!

We have all been on a steep learning curve to understand what is going on! We really do have to keep to social or physical distancing -this will keep us safe. But we can still have social interaction with each other thanks to the internet.

I have set up a private Facebook page so we can keep in touch. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/
Eleni (my daughter, technical adviser and co-presenter) and I will start posting videos for you to join in with.

Lots of love to everyone.


March 15

This week could everyone coming to Pilates bring a mat if you have one or a towel to put on the top of mine. The format will change in classes such as Circuits so we don’t share any equipment.

More updates to follow.

Please wash you hands before signing in to class and after class

Thank you

News Up-date

Hello everyone

I am sorry to start this email with really sad news. A much loved class member has died. People who come to circuits on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays will know our Eric Nixon. He passed away yesterday morning after a short illness. He came to his last Circuits class in the middle of February with his usual humour. He was one of my rocks and supported me when I was really ill with MS and when my son died. There will be a card to sign all week for anybody who knew him which I will give to is lovely wife Zoe.

Class holidays
There will be no classes 23 – 27 March Monday to Friday (apart from Tuesday Zumba Gold Chorley run by Ann Smith).
I will be away in Somerset on an Overcoming MS Retreat learning strategies to slow progression of MS.

Corona Virus (COVID-19)
I know everyone is well informed about this. The policy for our classes is to wash hands thoroughly ( sing Happy Birthday twice) before class and after class. I will keep you posted about any changes to the timetable if that becomes necessary.

New Classes Alert
Zumba Gold Tuesdays Leyland Methodist Church Hall 3pm

Such a fun way to keep fit with this gentler version of Zumba.
Men on Mats – Pilates for Men – Fridays 3.15pm  from 7 February at St Andrews Church Hall Worden Lane Entrance, Leyland PR25 3EL
A new class is starting on 7 February specifically designed  for men to help keep them flexible and free from back pain.
Pilates Thursdays 2.15pm  from 6 February Leyland Methodist Church Hall, Turpin Green Lane PR25 3HA
A new mat based Pilates class – many people are going to combine it with Zumba Gold  beforehand for a cardiovascular work out and then the Pilates for strength, flexibility and balance.

Next Nordic Walking Technique Course
This will be on 14 March at 12 noon meeting on Worden Park main car park. You can either let me know you are coming by email or book on line https://exercise-anywhere.com/event/154626-Learn%20To%20Nordic%20Walk%20Intensive

Pilates Training
As some of you know I am  always updating my knowledge about exercise and fitness.  Last weekend I was on a course about Scoliosis and today I am off to a course on Hypermobility. I learn so much on these amazing courses.

See you soon.

