Fit with HIIT and Leyland Festival

Hi everyone,

Fit with HIIT (FHIIT for short!) Starts Thursday June 12th at 6pm
This class uses HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to get fit as quickly as possible. There will be take home workouts which last for 10-15 minutes which you can do between classes. We are going to have a 5 week programme starting on Thursday June 12th at 6pm Prospect House Sandy Lane, Leyland. We need 10 people to book on to run the course. It will be £20 a course. I am timing this just before the summer so we all feel a bit more confident about getting into our ‘bathing costumes’

Leyland Festival Volunteers needed. Please see email below:
As you know it is Leyland Festival on Saturday 21st June, there will be entertainment in the town centre from 11am with the festival parade starting at 12 noon. Volunteers are needed to lend a hand at the Leyland Festival on Saturday, June 21. We really need your help because this year there are more stalls and events booked than ever, but our volunteer numbers are low. We need people to help for at least two hours with the entrances and helping events like the dog show.
If you volunteer you get: Love, Lunch, Entrance to festival and an extra ticket, Certificate for your CV, £10 donation to a registered charity of your choice

If you are available or know somebody who is please contact Howerd Booth asap

We will have our usual DO Fitness stand again and probably do a couple of dances on the stage.

I have been told I should be using Twitter. Ahh! I have only just mastered Facebook. OK then I dutifully signed up for twitter and the first tweet I got ( well actually the only tweet) was:
Exercise is the most under utilized antidepressant there is.
Facebook. OK then I dutifully signed up for twitter and the first tweet I got ( well actually the only tweet) was:
Exercise is the most under utilized antidepressant there is.
Zumba is great for lifting your spirits and making the world seem a better place. It should be given on prescription!
( I know Wednesday morning class you have heard that 3 times now x)
Wednesdays 9.30am and Thursdays 6.30pm Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and Fridays 9.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

50+ and 60+/ Starter Circuits
Has everyone been doing their homework?
Mondays 50+ Circuits 9.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB
Wednesdays 60+ and Starter Circuits 11.30am Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE

Fitness 55+
Some of you know I have been studying for more qualifications for teaching exercise to older adults so my head is full of statistics. Here are some great ones for encouraging you to come to class on a rainy, grey morning when you would rather stay at home.

It’s medically proven that people who do regular physical activity have:
•up to a 35% lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke
•up to a 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes
•up to a 50% lower risk of colon cancer
•up to a 20% lower risk of breast cancer
•a 30% lower risk of early death
•up to a 68% lower risk of hip fracture
•a 30% lower risk of falls (among older adults)
•up to a 30% lower risk of depression
•up to a 30% lower risk of dementia

Mondays 11.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB and Fridays 11.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

Another bank holiday and your beach body with FHIIT

Beautiful weather we have been having. I hope you have all had chance to enjoy it.

Important! Bank Holiday Monday 26th May
There will be no classes that day – have a lovely long weekend everyone.

Fit with HIIT course.
People have been asking for FHIIT to come back. (We used to call it Fitness Fusion.) This class uses HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) to get fit as quickly as possible. There will be take home workouts which last for 10-15 minutes which you can do between classes. We are going to have a 5 week programme starting on Thursday June 12th at 6pm Prospect House Sandy Lane, Leyland. We need 10 people to book on to run the course. If there is enough interest I will run a Monday night one at 7pm St Chads and Sunday morning at 9 am (ish) at White Coppice we can discuss the time of that one! It will be £20 a course. If we run more than one course people can swap between or go to two without paying any more. More details follow. I am timing this just before the summer so we all feel a bit more confident about getting into our ‘bathing costumes’

New Pilates Class- St. Chads School Wheelton ( Whittle -le-woods/ Heapey) PR6 8LL Mondays 7.30pm.
Our new Pilates class started last week in the school hall at St. Chads Catholic Primary School Wheelton (Whittle-le woods/ Heapey) at 7.30pm. Thanks to everyone who came!! If the class continues to be busy we will make it into two classes on Monday evenings.
I will keep you posted.

This lady started Pilates in her early nineties! x

Mondays 10.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB and 7.30pm St. Chads School Wheelton ( Whittle -le-woods/ Heapey) PR6 8LL , Wednesdays 10.30am and Thursdays 7.30pm Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and Fridays 10.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

Senior Circuits 50+ and 60+
These classes are really taking off. I am so pleased as well that men are coming along to these classes. (There are no dance elements in them.) In the 60+ class we have no floor work and it is a good class to start with if you are recovering from injury or illness. In the 50+ there may be some floor work.
Mondays 50+ Circuits 9.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB
Wednesdays 60+ and Starter Circuits 11.30am Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE

This weekend I spent Saturday training with international Zumba trainer Donna Giffen. She is brilliant and really funny. Here is an old clip of her.
Here is an old clip of her.

It was my 51st birthday on Sunday and made me think back to my 50th last year. We had a big Zumba party and raised £700 for two local charities. It was an amazing evening and made my birthday unforgettable. I am thinking about organising another big Zumba party on a Satuday night with guest instructors. It will be great for people who are really busy during the week and can’t make Thursday evenings. What do you think?

Wednesdays 9.30am and Thursdays 6.30pm Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and Fridays 9.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

Fitness 55+
This class is a bit ‘dancy’ but great fun if you like dance. There is no floor work.
I am on a course in Glossop next weekend. It’s for lots of new ideas for the Fitness 55+ exercise classes and the Senior Circuits classes. I am away for the whole weekend – yes I have told my husband now!
Mondays 11.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB and Fridays 11.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

Timetable- to check for classes go to – upcoming events

Have a super week everyone.

New Pilates class in Wheelton/ Whittle-le-Woods

Pilates New Pilates Class- St. Chads School Wheelton ( Whittle -le-woods/ Heapey) PR6 8LL Mondays 7.30pm -starts 12th May.

There is a new Pilates class starting in the school hall at St. Chads Catholic Primary School Wheelton ( Whittle-le woods/ Heapey) at 7.30pm from the 12th of May. This is because people are coming from Brinscall and Chorley to the evening class in Leyland.

We spend hours in front of a computer screen or television or driving and the natural  S shape of the spine is lost. Pilates helps to realign the spine and with that comes better posture. I am on  Pilates course in May all about back pain issues through poor posture so hopefully lots of ideas for you. Mondays 10.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB, Wednesdays 10.30am and Thursdays 7.30pm Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 10.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

May Bank Holidays and New Pilates Class

May  Bank Holidays Our Monday classes are being hit a bit in May by Bank Holidays. There are no classes on Monday May 5th and Monday May 26th. There are  alternative classes on Wednesday and Friday that people are  planning to come to. For the timetable see:
Pilates New Pilates Class- St. Chads School Wheelton ( Whittle -le-woods/ Heapey) PR6 8LL Mondays 7.30pm -starts 12th May. There is a new Pilates class starting in the school hall at St. Chads Catholic Primary School Wheelton ( Whittle-le woods/ Heapey) at 7.30pm from the 12th of May. This is because people are coming from Brinscall and Chorley to the evening class in Leyland. We spend hours in front of a computer screen or television or driving and the natural  S shape of the spine is lost. Pilates helps to realign the spine and with that comes better posture. I am on  Pilates course in May all about back pain issues through poor posture so hopefully lots of ideas for you. Mondays 10.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB, Wednesdays 10.30am and Thursdays 7.30pm Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 10.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH
Senior Circuits By its nature Circuits is a form of interval training where you exercise intensely for a short period of time followed by rest. A latest newsletter from says interval training benefits your heart, blood glucose levels and mental wellbeing.  If you are thinking of trying a circuits class and you are just getting back into exercise come to Wednesdays 11.30am to start with. Mondays 50+ Circuits 9.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB Wednesdays 60+ and Starter Circuits 11.30am Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE
Zumba Our new slowing down tune – I like the way you move by Outkast. Any suggestions you love to dance to let me know. Wednesdays 9.30am and  Thursdays 6.30pm  Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 9.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH


Fitness 55+ These classes are so much fun. Thanks everyone! I am on a course in Glossop at the end of May for lots of new ideas for the 55+ exercise class. I am away for the whole weekend. (Just working up to telling my husband!) Mondays 11.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB and Fridays 11.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH


The other me As you know my other job is Volunteer Co-Ordinator for the  project Volunteer One Lancashire . I am now looking for volunteers for St. Catherines Hospice, Sue Ryders, Brothers of Charity and International Aid Trust to name just a few. There are a great variety of fantastic volunteer opportunities – just email the other me  on for more information.
Charity Event There is a charity fundraising event to raise money for Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research at St.Jame’s Church Slater Lane Leyland, Pr26 75H at 7.30pm Saturday 3rd May. The evening is called A Night of Music and Laughter

Brenda our star in Fitness 55+ is recovering well from her broken pelvis and popped in to see us today. Lovely to see you Brenda!


Easter holidays, men and the other me

Hi everyone,

Easter Holidays We have no classes week beginning 14th of April and no classes on Easter Monday (21st April). Classes start again on Wednesday 23rd April.

Men and Circuits I became aware that a lot of my classes are geared up for people who enjoy dancing (Zumba and Fitness 55+) so we now have two new circuit classes  with no dancing elements in them. Men are coming to these classes and really making fabulous progress. If your husbands or partners are free during the day there is now something for them! Mondays 50+ Circuits 9.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB Wednesdays 60+ and Starter Circuits 11.30am Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE


Zumba Our latest track in Zumba is Happy by Pharrell Williams . Play this if you are feeling a bit down -it’s guaranteed to pick you up. Wednesdays 9.30am and  Thursdays 6.30pm  Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 9.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH
PilatesA great way to relax and beat stress Pilates is a form of exercise that literally re-introduces you to your own body. The better you understand your body and how it works, the easier it will be for you to release tension, relax and beats the stresses and strains of modern life. Mondays 10.30am at Wellington Park, Church Road, Leyland PR25 3AB,  Wednesdays 10.30am and Thursdays 7.30pm Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland PR25 2EE and  Fridays 10.30am Euxton Community Centre PR7 6JH

The other me I have now done a month in my other job. I haven’t said too much about it because I was finding my feet and trying to understand what the job entailed. Well my role is to recruit and find placements for volunteers. Although I am employed by Age Concern the project is part of Volunteer One Lancashire and is for any age volunteers. Someone described it as a ‘broker’ but I like  to use the term ‘matchmaker’ of volunteers with suitable organisations. So if you want to do some volunteer work please let me know or if you are involved with an organisation that needs volunteers – please let me know too.


Wishing Brenda a speedy recovery. Brenda is a bit of super star in Fitness 55+ as she is a really fit 80 year old. She is an advert for keeping exercising. She fell and is recovering from a break but she says if she hadn’t been so fit the outcome would have been much worse.

 Congratulations to Joanne from Pilates on the birth of her baby!

PS How do I know what is on and when? The best way to do this is to go to my web-site or and look at ‘upcoming events’