Happy New Year! Tomorrow’s White Coppice Walk. Classes start again Monday 6th of January

Happy New Year!

Here’s wishing you all a fabulous 2014. And a very big thank you for coming to my classes in 2013. It was the year I began to work totally for myself. I made a decision to run all my own classes. It has been a challenge and a bit scary. Some of you know I have worked for gyms and leisure centres . I launched Zumba for Leyland Leisure Centre, FX, Virgin and All Seasons Leisure Centre and taught Aqua, Pilates and Return to Fitness classes for them too. I loved it but I was being drawn to work independently. The learning curve has been steep -being self-employed in the fitness industry after previously working in Higher Education or being employed  was new to me. Sometimes it has been hard but what keeps me going is the lovely people I meet in my classes.
A big highlight of 2013 was the charity fundraising event for my 50th -we raised £700 for Derian House and the Ross Tomlinson Tribute Fund. It meant so much to me as Ross passed away the previous year. He played football in my son’s team every Sunday for years. Thank you everyone for that.
White Coppice Walk Tomorrow Friday 2pm We will meet at the Cricket Ground. Please wear walking boots or wellies as it is quite muddy underfoot in places. Bring friends and family for fresh air and a chat.

Monday 6th January We are back in action – normal timetable

http://www.dofitness.org/timetable-2/  and http://www.dofitness.org/calendar/

Important! Coppull Forever Fitness 55+ is changing to Thursday afternoon at 3.15pm at Coppull Spendmore Lane Methodist.

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a good Christmas! Mine was spent in my pyjamas with flu! I was really looking forward to seeing relatives and going to a few gatherings but couldn’t move out of my bed. I hope you avoided it!   Sorry I have had to cancel tomorrow. I was hoping I would get up this morning and feel back to normal but still feel like a wet lettuce so as I need to give you a bit of warning I am letting you know now.
All  being well our walk is on next Friday 3rd of January at 2pm in White Coppice otherwise see you all week beginning Monday 6th of January.
Have a fantastic New Year everyone!


Happy Christmas!Holiday classes and White Coppice Walk

Hi everyone,

All classes have finished for Christmas. Thanks for the cards and gifts everyone!  Our timetable will start again on Monday January 6th 2014!

Holiday classes
We have some ‘keep you going classes’ on Sunday 29th of December at Buckshaw Village Community Centre behind the Health Centre near the Hub. Post code doesn’t help satnav so head for the Tescos on Buckshaw. If you are coming from Leyland turn left at the round about next to the Primary School and first left again then right to go behind the Health Centre.
5pm Forever Fitness55+
6pm Fitness Fusion with Interval Training FFIT
6.30pm Zumba
7.30pm Pilates
Introduce a friend and get 1 free class.

White Coppice Walk
On Friday 3rd of January is the White Coppice Walk at 2pm. Meet at the Cricket Club in White Coppice PR6 9DE. We will walk to Brinscall and back. Allow one and half hours. I know some people are back at work then so I will organise another weekend walk later in the New Year.

To check dates and times of classes you can go to:
http://www.dofitness.org/calendar/ For the general timetable go to http://www.dofitness.org/timetable-2/

If you use facebook please’ like’ my page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Do-Fitness-with-Diane-Oakden/180247402018983 -it’s a great way for class members to keep in touch with each other and another way for me to communicate with you.

Happy Christmas!



Do Fitness

Christmas holidays- last class on Friday 13th December. Timetable starts again Monday 6th January

Newsletter 5th December 2013

Christmas holiday dates Wow hasn’t time flown! We break up for Christmas on Friday 13th of December -that’s next week!. The standard timetable will resume on Monday January 6th.
Loyalty cards The current system of loyalty cards will finish this Christmas. New rewards and bonuses will be introduced in the new year.
Holiday activities I will confirm details of classes and walks for the holiday period in the next few days.
Tuesday evenings Sadly  and with a heavy heart I will not be starting to teach Fitness Fusion or Zumba on Tuesdays evenings in the New Year. This is due to quite a few factors that have come together. Thank you to the people who have joined other classes and thank you so much  to the people who couldn’t change but came to the Tuesday night classes and made them such fun.
Stamps The lovely Chris Taylor collects used stamps to raise money for RNIB. if you wish to find a home for your used stamps please pop them in  her collection box which she brings to class or put them in the paying in pot and  I will forward them to her. You may have lots over Christmas!




For pre-christmas timetable please see calendar www.dofitness.org/calendar below ‘up-coming events’


Newsletter 16th November

Hi everyone

I hope everyone is well. It is starting to be a bit of a gloomy time of year. If you can get out in the fresh air and daylight around lunchtime for 30 minutes it could make a lot of difference to how you feel at this time of year. It can also improve sleep quality. Something I am a bit obsessed with at the moment!
Pre- Christmas Timetable There are some changes to the timetable from Monday 18th November until we break-up for Christmas on Friday 13th of December.
Tuesday Evenings

Tuesday evening classes- there are no classes on Tuesday evenings leading up to Christmas. I will keep you posted about plans for the new year.  Since feeling so ill last week I am being a bit careful and reducing the evenings that I teach – to be on the safe side. If you can come to alternative classes for the time being lovely ladies that would be great.

Alternative to 6pm Fitness Fusion is 6pm Mondays at Euxton C of E, Bank Lane Euxton or 6pm Thursdays at Prospect House, Sandy Lane, Leyland  PR25 2EE

 Alternative to 7.15pm Chorley Zumba is 6.30pm Mondays at Euxton C of E, Bank Lane, Euxton or 6.30pm Thursdays at Prospect House, Leyland PR25 2EE

Sunday morning Pilates
No classes until the new year. This class will start again in the new year with a change of venue as the current one at Astley Park Community Centre was not available or we had to share with a Junior football team!
Coppull Friday  afternoons Forever Fitness 55+ We have got a new venue lined up as we found the sports hall to be unsuitable as we had to share with a trampoline group and we couldn’t hear each other. And last week it was absolutely freezing! I will keep you posted about new start date and venue.
PLEASE CHECK TIMETABLE ON THE WEB-SITE http://www.dofitness.org/calendar/

Venue Change – Wellington Park For 1 week only the Wellington Park classes are moving to Prospect House, Sandy Lane as our room is not available next week on 25th of November. Back to normal the following week.
Christmas Lunch -daytime classes – all welcome Wednesday 11th of December for daytime classes at 12 noon Wellington Park, Leyland. We have changed to Carvery only for £4.25 as most people felt they couldn’t eat soup too. Put your £4.25 in the Christmas lunch pot and sign up to book your place.

Take care everyone- there is a bug going round that makes you feel faint and nauseous.  Please always take time off from exercise if you feel unwell and let your body recover properly.



No evening classes week beginning 28th October. Daytime normal. No classes on Bonfire night

Half-term timetable- Week beginning 28th October Day time classes are normal. There are no evening classes that week. Evening classes are back on 4th November. No classes on Bonfire night.
Reminder about timetable changes at Euxton C of E Very important! The timetable at Euxton C of E has changed 6pm      Fitness Fusion with Interval Training FFIT 6.30pm Zumba 7.30pm Pilates
Some people are choosing to do FFIT followed by 30 minutes Zumba.
Sunday Mornings Pilates in the Park 10.30am Astley Village Community Centre This class proving popular for people who are really busy during the week.
New classes in Eccleston
 Wednesday afternoon classes have started at St. Agnes Church Hall.
1pm Forever Fitness 55+ 2pm Zumba and Tone

I was delivering leaflets for the classes and bumped into someone walking their dog who came to my Greek classes 20 years ago!!! They said they would come to Forever Fitness 55+. Wow that’s really lovely.