Taking a week off from live virtual classes week beginning Monday 11 May

Hello everyone

I am so sorry but week beginning Monday 11 May  there will be no live virtual classes. I have started to experience  my MS symtoms increasing so I need to take a step back for a week. There are now over 55 videos on my YouTube channel for you to access. 
Here is the link to my YouTube channel

For my seated class members this is a really useful video to add a daily challenge to your routine.

Take care lovely people. Lots of love.



Week beginning 4 May timetable, YouTube and new classes

Hello everyone

I hope you are doing ok. Well a new month and in the media the discussion is all about coming out of lockdown in a phased way -when, what and how. My feeling is that it will be a while before we go back to meeting up for group classes so I am continuing to develop my online classes and my YouTube library. Wow what a learning curve! Thank you for people who have been supporting me with donations – it really helps – more information about virtual classes and donating on https://dofitness.org/timetable-2

Timetable – week beginning 4 May

Monday 4 May

Start the Week Interval Training for All –SWITA 9.30am Facebook Live
Pilates  4:30 PM Zoom
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 859 7084 4705 Password: 007505
Tuesday 5 May
Topic: Zumba Gold
Time: May 5, 2020 01:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 891 9383 3256 Password: 019470
Wednesday 6 May
Topic: Zumba
Time: May 6, 2020 09:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 852 4422 7038 Password: 029162

Pilates 10.30am Facebook Live

Thursday 7 May
Topic: Zumba Gold
Time: May 7, 2020 01:30 PM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 829 2593 6876 Password: 017454

Standing Stretch, Strengthen and Balance 2.30pm Facebook Live
Friday 8 May
Topic: Zumba
Time: May 8, 2020 09:30 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 897 3812 9773 Password: 006938

Chairfit 11.30am Facebook Live
Topic: Pilates Cancelled due to VE Day
Time: May 8, 2020 0
YouTube – playlists
At the end of one of our Zumba Zoom sessions the question was asked if I could put my Youtube videos in ‘categories’ – I am working on that but in the meantime Soo has sent me the following for you to make your own Playlists from my Youtube library. Thank you Soo!
Creating a playlist in YouTube – you can only do this if you have an account with YouTube which you will need to sign in to – it’s free and all you need is an e-mail address and you will have to create a password

 Go to Do Fitness on YouTube  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber
Select video which you want to add to playlist
Under the video, there are various options which include Share or Save
Click on Save – this will bring up an option to Save To, and there will also be an option here to Create New Playlist
Click on Create New Playlist and you will be given the option to name your playlist, I have called mine Zumba Routine 1, and so on.  When you have given it a title, make sure you click Create to save your playlist
You can now add as many videos as you like to this playlist by following the above steps with each video you choose, because when you click Save, the playlist will automatically pop up and you just need to click on it and the video will go into the playlist. To access your playlists, you will need to go to the Library option which is part of YouTube. You can re-order your list of videos easily enough but I always make sure I start with a warm up, finish with a cool down track, and just pop my favourites inbetween. They should play one after the other, just like your routines.

New Classes
I am going to do a Standing Stretch, Strengthen and Balance class on Thursday 2.30pm (you will need something some thing to hold onto like a kitchen cabinet or chair) and a Chairfit on Friday 11.30am both on Facebook Live.

Take care – I am off to my allotment now.


Virtual timetable and other news

Hello everyone,
Well week 5 in the new world of lockdown. I hope you are all doing well. It is so nice to see everyone on Zoom and get messages from you on Facebook Live. I have a few chats with people on the phone  too. Interesting to find out how people are keeping fit. Cycling seems to be a bit hit at the moment. It feels so much safer with less traffic on the roads. Gardening too has also been great for keeping fit. You are all going to have perfect gardens. I am lucky that we are allowed to go on our allotments so I cycle down  to my allotment which is heavenly first thing. I might have developed an allotment addiction though and I am boring my daughter crazy with my allotment ‘news’ eg my courgettes are coming through.

The Mystery Veg Box
I want to thank the person, who remained anonymous, for the veg and fruit box that arrived. It felt like  Christmas! Maybe one day you will tell me who you are.

The 2.6 Challenge
Also one of my lovely class members did 26 of my Zumba dances for the 2.6 Challenge and is donating to the my son Yianni’s memorial fund for Overcoming MS.   https://overcomingms.org/latest/yianni-overcoming-ms-bursary-fund .Thank you so much.

Videos on YouTube and any requests?
I try to post a film a day on Facebook from my YouTube Channel  with the idea that a dance a day will lift the spirits. There is also now a recording of a Pilates session for people who have done Pilates with me. If you have any requests for a dance or a certain kind of class please let me know. For everything together go to https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber

Virtual Timetable Week Beginning 27 April – there are no classes on Thursday as it is the anniversary of my son Yianni’s death.

Monday 27 April
9.30am Start the Week Circuits
Facebook  on private Do Fitness Group  please join if you haven’t already https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/ – I will post it on YouTube later for those who don’t use Facebook. 
4.30pm Pilates Zoom

Meeting ID: 839 6195 7765 Password: 621702

Tuesday 28 April  
1.30pm Zumba Gold Zoom


Meeting ID: 869 9280 7650 Password: 428045

Wednesday 29 April
9.30am Zumba Zoom


Meeting ID: 840 7005 7565 Password: 11681610.30am Pilates Facebook Live
on Facebook  on private Do Fitness Group  please join if you haven’t already https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949

Friday 1 May
9.30am Zumba Zoom

Meeting ID: 897 5590 3257Password: 861244

6.30pm Pilates Zoom

Meeting ID: 864 8352 7208 Password: 485288

Lots of love

Virtual classes next few days – please see your email or join private Facebook group

Hello everyone,

Well we are all learning so much particularly with technology. But what we have found is that it is all quite temperamental so although I have plans for classes the next few days I have to cross my fingers big time. I have found some people prefer Facebook Live for Pilates but  then other people don’t use Facebook. Zumba can only be taught on Zoom  due to music licensing regulations. Pilates on Zoom has to be with no music currently as I am waiting for a mixer unit so I can speak and play music. Phew! If Zumba Zoom fails please go to pre-recorded dances on YouTube and pick and mix  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber.
I will try to do the same thing for Pilates.

Thank you to the people who have made donations. It is helping me pay for all the ongoing costs like insurance, licences and new equipment.

When I trust the technology more I will publish a regular recurring timetable!

A dance a day and Monday 20 April Circuits and Pilates Zoom classes

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all doing ok.  I have stopped listening to the news so avidly and relaxed into this new life with my daily cycle rides lifting my spirits.
My new equipment has arrived to make Zoom classes a bit better but I do need a studio though or at least a bigger room! I need to knock a wall down to create more space to do classes (just joking)! I have been filming outdoors for the YouTube videos where there is more space to position the camera but chainsaws have been really popular in my neighbourhood for the last couple of days so it has made it really tricky to film.

YouTube Videos
All the videos are together on my channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkQNb2YwdoAWWh_4gPXEYbA?view_as=subscriber
People are using them to make their own classes by combining warm ups with their favourite tracks followed by a cool down I am trying to post at least one Zumba dance a day. It is lovely to hear that people are using them.

Zoom classes Monday 20 April

To get the zoom codes please subscribe to mailing list and/ or join the Do Fitness private Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/about/

Before using  my YouTube videos or joining  a Zoom class please read info on https://dofitness.org/timetable-2


Happy Easter Weekend

I hope that the weekend has been bearable despite not being able to meet friends and family.

There are some more videos ready for you on our YouTube channel including 2 seated routines, a warm-up and  a cool down with stretches. Start from Havana. There is even a guest appearance from my husband Chris!


Virtual classes
We are having the classes next week . The codes will come out through an email if you are on my mailing list or on our private Facebook page see links below. It would be lovely to see you. You can invite friends too just ask them to subscribe to my mailing list on the website www.dofitness.org and/or join our private Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1113432258991949/
to get codes and passwords.  Please read the following before attending https://dofitness.org/timetable-2. Everything is  free but some people have asked to  make donations  which you can do via the link https://dofitness.org/timetable-2 . It will  help me pay my music licences, insurance and Zumba membership so I am very grateful for as I currently have no income. Thank you.

A happy Easter cartoon if you are not on Facebook:

Lots of love
Diane, Eleni and Chris.